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Andersen, L P S and Grytnes, R (2021) Different ways of perceiving risk and safety on construction sites and implications for safety cooperation. Construction Management and Economics, 39(05), 419–31.

Christie, L, Donn, M and Walton, D (2011) The ‘apparent disconnect’ towards the adoption of energy-efficient technologies. Building Research & Information, 39(05), 450–8.

du Plessis, C and Cole, R J (2011) Motivating change: shifting the paradigm. Building Research & Information, 39(05), 436–49.

Duong, L N K, Wang, J X, Wood, L C, Reiners, T and Koushan, M (2021) The value of incremental environmental sustainability innovation in the construction industry: an event study. Construction Management and Economics, 39(05), 398–418.

Klitgaard, A, Gottlieb, S C and Svidt, K (2021) The researcher as audience and storyteller: challenges and opportunities of impression management in ethnographic studies. Construction Management and Economics, 39(05), 383–97.

Lützkendorf, T, Fan, W and Lorenz, D (2011) Engaging financial stakeholders: opportunities for a sustainable built environment. Building Research & Information, 39(05), 483–503.

Nicol, L A (2011) The role of institutional regimes in motivating change for sustainable housing. Building Research & Information, 39(05), 459–72.

  • Type: Journal Article
  • Keywords: goods and services; housing; institutional regimes; management strategies; public policy; sustainability
  • ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
  • URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2011.588590
  • Abstract:
    Although the provision of shelter is the primary function of housing, it also has important implications for actors from many other sectors such as investment, energy supply, urban design and immigration. The decisions and actions of these actors regarding their specific non-shelter uses of housing must be considered if the question of housing sustainability is to be thoroughly addressed. The institutional regimes approach was used to analyse seven case study housing stocks in Switzerland, Germany and Spain in an international study that sought to gain knowledge about the largely unknown influence of institutional regimes (i.e. the set of public policies, property rights and contracts between parties governing all uses of housing) on the sustainability of multifamily residential buildings. The results reveal the mechanisms by which regimes can motivate housing-related actors to use housing in a sustainable manner and to shape housing stock owners' solution space to achieve sustainable housing. The use of the institutional regimes' analytical framework can provide coherence to the diverse array of regulatory conditions and large number of actors. An integrated regime with a clear alignment of roles and responsibilities is a precondition before actors can be motivated to achieve housing sustainability.

Nwajei, U O K (2021) How relational contract theory influence management strategies and project outcomes: a systematic literature review. Construction Management and Economics, 39(05), 432–57.

Rodríguez-Labajos, L, Thomson, C S and O’Brien, G (2021) Applying constructivist grounded theory in co-production research: a case study exploring its potential and lessons for construction management research. Construction Management and Economics, 39(05), 369–82.

Whyte, J and Sexton, M (2011) Motivations for innovation in the built environment: new directions for research. Building Research & Information, 39(05), 473–82.