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Alinaitwe, H M (2009) Prioritising lean construction barriers in Uganda's construction industry. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 14(1), 15-30.
Budiwibowo, A, Trigunarsyah, B, Abidin, I S and Soeparto, H G (2009) Competitiveness of the Indonesian construction industry. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 14(1), 51-68.
Enshassi, A, Mohamed, S and Ekarriri, A (2009) Essential skills and training provisions for building project stakeholders in palestine. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 14(1), 31-50.
Haron, Z and Yahya, K (2009) Monte carlo analysis for prediction of noise from a construction site. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 14(1), 1-14.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: construction; noise; prediction; stochastic
- ISBN/ISSN: 1823-6499
- URL: http://web.usm.my/jcdc/vol14_1_2009/1_Zaiton%20(p.1-14).pdf
- Abstract:
The large number of operations involving noisy machinery associated with construction site activities result in considerable variation in the noise levels experienced at receiver locations. This paper suggests an approach to predict noise levels generated from a site by using a Monte Carlo approach. This approach enables the determination of details regarding the statistical uncertainties associated with noise level predictions or temporal distributions. This technique could provide the basis for a generalised prediction technique and a simple noise management tool. © 2009, Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Mirmoghtadaee, M (2009) Process of housing transformation in Iran. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 14(1), 69-80.