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Chan, A P C, Yang, Y and Darko, A (2018) Construction Accidents in a Large-Scale Public Infrastructure Project: Severity and Prevention. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 144(10).
Chih, Y, Kiazad, K, Cheng, D, Emamirad, E and Restubog, S L (2018) Interactive Effects of Supportive Leadership and Top Management Team’s Charismatic Vision in Predicting Worker Retention in the Philippines. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 144(10).
Kisi, K P, Mani, N, Rojas, E M and Foster, E T (2018) Estimation of Optimal Productivity in Labor-Intensive Construction Operations: Advanced Study. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 144(10).
Nguyen, P H D, Lines, B C and Tran, D Q (2018) Best-Value Procurement in Design-Bid-Build Construction Projects: Empirical Analysis of Selection Outcomes. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 144(10).
Salas-Morera, L, Arauzo-Azofra, A, García-Hernández, L, Palomo-Romero, J M and Ayuso-Muñoz, J L (2018) New Approach to the Distribution of Project Completion Time in PERT Networks. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 144(10).
Simmons, D R, Iorio, J, Taylor, J E and Li, D (2018) Work Values across Generations among Construction Professionals in the United States. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 144(10).
Wondimu, P A, Lohne, J and Lædre, O (2018) Competitive Dialogue in Norwegian Public Infrastructure Projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 144(10).