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Arriagada D., R E and Alarcón C., L F (2014) Knowledge Management and Maturation Model in Construction Companies. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(04).
Arriagada D., R E and Alarcón C., L F (2014) Modelo de Gestión y Maduración de Conocimiento en Empresas Constructoras. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(04).
Bertero, R D (2014) Great 2010 American Earthquakes: Lessons for Seismic Design and Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(04).
Bertero, R D (2014) Los Grandes Terremotos Americanos del Año 2010: Enseñanzas para el Diseño y la Construcción Sísmica. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(04).
El-Anwar, O and Aziz, T A (2014) Integrated Urban-Construction Planning Framework for Slum Upgrading Projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(04).
El-Anwar, O and Aziz, T A (2014) Un Marco Integrado de Planificación Urbana y Construcción para Proyectos de Mejoramiento de Barrios Vulnerables. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(04).
Ferrada, X and Serpell, A (2014) Selección de los Métodos de Construcción en Proyectos: Un Problema de Conocimiento. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(04).
Ferrada, X and Serpell, A (2014) Selection of Construction Methods for Construction Projects: A Knowledge Problem. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(04).
Gallardo, C A S, Granja, A D and Picchi, F A (2014) Mejorias en la Productividad de un Proceso de Prefabricados de Concreto con Flujo en Linea Despues de un Esfuerzo de Estabilidad Basica. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(04).
Gallardo, C A S, Granja, A D and Picchi, F A (2014) Productivity Gains in a Line Flow Precast Concrete Process after a Basic Stability Effort. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(04).
Gelisen, G and Griffis, F H ( (2014) Automated Productivity-Based Schedule Animation: Simulation-Based Approach to Time-Cost Trade-Off Analysis. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(04).
Gelisen, G and Griffis, F H ( (2014) Productividad Automatizada Basada en el Itinerario Animado (APBSA): Una Simulacion Basada en un Enfoque del Analisis de Compensacion Tiempo-Costo. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(04).
Guillermo, M A, Grau, D, Acevedo, S C and Rivera, T E (2014) How the Design and Assessment of Instruction/Learning Strategies Influence the Academic Performance of Civil Engineering Students at Universidad Industrial De Santander, Colombia. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(04).
López del Puerto, C and Shane, J S (2014) Claves del Éxito en la Gestión de Megaproyectos en México y los Estados Unidos: Un Estudio de Casos. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(04).
Lopez del Puerto, C and Shane, J S (2014) Keys to Success in Megaproject Management in Mexico and the United States: Case Study. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(04).
Mejia A., G, Grau, D, Acevedo, S C and Rivera, T E (2014) Evaluación, Diseño, e Influencia de Estrategias de Instrucción-Aprendizaje en el Desempeño Académico de los Estudiantes de Ingenieria Civil en la Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(04).
Migliaccio, G C, Bogus, S M and Cordova-Alvidrez, A A (2014) Continuous Quality Improvement Techniques for Data Collection in Asset Management Systems. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(04).
Migliaccio, G C, Bogus, S M and Cordova-Alvidrez, A A (2014) Tecnicas de Mejora Continua de la Calidad de la Recoleccion de Datos en Sistemas de Gerencia de Capital de Infraestructura. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(04).
Orozco, F A, Serpell, A F, Molenaar, K R and Forcael, E (2014) Modelando los Factores e Índices de Competitividad para Constructoras: Hallazgos en Chile. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(04).
Orozco, F A, Serpell, A F, Molenaar, K R and Forcael, E (2014) Modeling Competitiveness Factors and Indexes for Construction Companies: Findings of Chile. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(04).
Palacios, J L, Gonzalez, V and Alarcón, L F (2014) Selección de Formas de Relación con Terceros en la Construcción. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(04).
Palacios, J L, Gonzalez, V and Alarcón, L F (2014) Selection of Third-Party Relationships in Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(04).
Pellicer, E, Yepes, V, Correa, C L and Alarcón, L F (2014) Model for Systematic Innovation in Construction Companies. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(04).
Pellicer, E, Yepes, V, Correa, C L and Alarcón, L F (2014) Modelo para la Innovación Sistemática en Empresas Constructoras. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(04).
Schexnayder, C, Alarcón, L F, Antillo, E D, Morales, B C and López, M (2014) Observaciones de Desempeño de Puentesdurante el Terremoto de Chile en 2010. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(04).
Schexnayder, C, Alarcón, L F, Antillo, E D, Morales, B C and Lopez, M (2014) Observations on Bridge Performance during the Chilean Earthquake of 2010. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(04).
Yates, J K (2014) Design and Construction for Sustainable Industrial Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(04).
Yates, J K (2014) Diseño y Construccion para una Construccion Industrial Sustentable. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(04).