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Adeleye, T, Huang, M, Huang, Z and Sun, L (2013) Predicting Loss for Large Construction Companies. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(09), 1224–36.
Alsamadani, R, Hallowell, M R, Javernick-Will, A and Cabello, J (2013) Relationships among Language Proficiency, Communication Patterns, and Safety Performance in Small Work Crews in the United States. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(09), 1125–34.
Cruz, C O and Marques, R C (2013) Exogenous Determinants for Renegotiating Public Infrastructure Concessions: Evidence from Portugal. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(09), 1082–90.
Damci, A, Arditi, D and Polat, G (2013) Multiresource Leveling in Line-of-Balance Scheduling. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(09), 1108–16.
Franz, B W, Leicht, R M and Riley, D R (2013) Project Impacts of Specialty Mechanical Contractor Design Involvement in the Health Care Industry: Comparative Case Study. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(09), 1091–7.
Hanna, A S, Thomas, G and Swanson, J R (2013) Construction Risk Identification and Allocation: Cooperative Approach. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(09), 1098–107.
Hegazy, T, Abdel-Monem, M, Saad, D A and Rashedi, R (2013) Hands-On Exercise for Enhancing Students’ Construction Management Skills. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(09), 1135–43.
Hollar, D A, Rasdorf, W, Liu, M, Hummer, J E, Arocho, I and Hsiang, S M (2013) Preliminary Engineering Cost Estimation Model for Bridge Projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(09), 1259–67.
Jafari, A and Love, P E D (2013) Quality Costs in Construction: Case of Qom Monorail Project in Iran. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(09), 1244–9.
Jin, Z, Deng, F, Li, H and Skitmore, M (2013) Practical Framework for Measuring Performance of International Construction Firms. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(09), 1154–67.
Li, J, Chiang, Y H, Choi, T N Y and Man, K F (2013) Determinants of Efficiency of Contractors in Hong Kong and China: Panel Data Model Analysis. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(09), 1211–23.
Liu, J Y, Zou, P X W and Gong, W (2013) Managing Project Risk at the Enterprise Level: Exploratory Case Studies in China. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(09), 1268–74.
Marzouk, M and Amin, A (2013) Predicting Construction Materials Prices Using Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(09), 1190–8.
Menesi, W, Golzarpoor, B and Hegazy, T (2013) Fast and Near-Optimum Schedule Optimization for Large-Scale Projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(09), 1117–24.
Shahandashti, S M and Ashuri, B (2013) Forecasting {[}Engineering News-Record{]} Construction Cost Index Using Multivariate Time Series Models. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(09), 1237–43.
Sunindijo, R Y and Zou, P X W (2013) Conceptualizing Safety Management in Construction Projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(09), 1144–53.
Tas, E, Cakmak, P I and Levent, H (2013) Determination of Behaviors in Building Product Information Acquisition for Developing a Building Product Information System in Turkey. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(09), 1250–8.
Wang, S, Tang, W and Li, Y (2013) Relationship between Owners’ Capabilities and Project Performance on Development of Hydropower Projects in China. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(09), 1168–78.
Xie, J and Thomas Ng, S (2013) Multiobjective Bayesian Network Model for Public-Private Partnership Decision Support. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(09), 1069–81.
Yorucu, V (2013) Construction in an Open Economy: Autoregressive Distributed Lag Modeling Approach and Causality Analysis—Case of North Cyprus. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(09), 1199–210.
Zhao, X, Hwang, B and Low, S P (2013) Developing Fuzzy Enterprise Risk Management Maturity Model for Construction Firms. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(09), 1179–89.