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Ammar, M A (2013) LOB and CPM Integrated Method for Scheduling Repetitive Projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(01), 44–50.
Bynum, P, Issa, R R A and Olbina, S (2013) Building Information Modeling in Support of Sustainable Design and Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(01), 24–34.
Cheung, S O and Pang, K H Y (2013) Anatomy of Construction Disputes. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(01), 15–23.
Cho, K and Hastak, M (2013) Time and Cost–Optimized Decision Support Model for Fast-Track Projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(01), 90–101.
Dai, F, Rashidi, A, Brilakis, I and Vela, P (2013) Comparison of Image-Based and Time-of-Flight-Based Technologies for Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Infrastructure. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(01), 69–79.
Gosling, J, Naim, M and Towill, D (2013) Identifying and Categorizing the Sources of Uncertainty in Construction Supply Chains. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(01), 102–10.
Li, H, Arditi, D and Wang, Z (2013) Factors That Affect Transaction Costs in Construction Projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(01), 60–68.
Meduri, S S and Annamalai, T R (2013) Unit Costs of Public and PPP Road Projects: Evidence from India. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(01), 35–43.
Minchin, R E, Cui, S, Walters, R C, Issa, R and Pan, J (2013) Sino-American Opinions and Perceptions of Counterfeiting in the Construction Supply Chain. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(01), 1–8.
Rubio-Romero, J C, Rubio, M C and García-Hernández, C (2013) Analysis of Construction Equipment Safety in Temporary Work at Height. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(01), 9–14.
Tsolas, I E (2013) Modeling Profitability and Stock Market Performance of Listed Construction Firms on the Athens Exchange: Two-Stage DEA Approach. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(01), 111–9.
Valdes-Vasquez, R and Klotz, L E (2013) Social Sustainability Considerations during Planning and Design: Framework of Processes for Construction Projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(01), 80–89.
Zeynalian, M, Trigunarsyah, B and Ronagh, H R (2013) Modification of Advanced Programmatic Risk Analysis and Management Model for the Whole Project Life Cycle’s Risks. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(01), 51–59.