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Ashuri, B and Tavakolan, M (2012) Fuzzy Enabled Hybrid Genetic Algorithm–Particle Swarm Optimization Approach to Solve TCRO Problems in Construction Project Planning. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 138(09), 1065–74.
Choi, K, Son, K, Woods, P and Park, Y J (2012) LEED Public Transportation Accessibility and Its Economic Implications. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 138(09), 1095–102.
Dikmen, I, Birgonul, M T, Tah, J H M and Ozer, A H (2012) Web-Based Risk Assessment Tool Using Integrated Duration–Cost Influence Network Model. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 138(09), 1023–34.
Fong, P S W and Chen, L (2012) Governance of Learning Mechanisms: Evidence from Construction Firms. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 138(09), 1053–64.
Gilkey, D P, del Puerto, C L, Keefe, T, Bigelow, P, Herron, R, Rosecrance, J and Chen, P (2012) Comparative Analysis of Safety Culture Perceptions among HomeSafe Managers and Workers in Residential Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 138(09), 1044–52.
Hajifathalian, K, Wambeke, B W, Liu, M and Hsiang, S M (2012) Effects of Production Control Strategy and Duration Variance on Productivity and Work in Process: Simulation-Based Investigation. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 138(09), 1035–43.
Liu, D, Sun, J, Zhong, D and Song, L (2012) Compaction Quality Control of Earth-Rock Dam Construction Using Real-Time Field Operation Data. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 138(09), 1085–94.
Moret, Y and Einstein, H H (2012) Experience in Expert Estimation of Probabilities and Correlations for Rail Line Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 138(09), 1103–6.
Moret, Y and Einstein, H H (2012) Modeling Correlations in Rail Line Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 138(09), 1075–84.
Shewchuk, J P and Guo, C (2012) Panel Stacking, Panel Sequencing, and Stack Locating in Residential Construction: Lean Approach. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 138(09), 1006–16.
Son, K, Choi, K, Woods, P and Park, Y J (2012) Urban Sustainability Predictive Model Using GIS: Appraised Land Value versus LEED Sustainable Site Credits. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 138(09), 1107–12.
Xia, B, Chan, A, Molenaar, K and Skitmore, M (2012) Determining the Appropriate Proportion of Owner-Provided Design in Design-Build Contracts: Content Analysis Approach. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 138(09), 1017–22.