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Al Qady, M and Kandil, A (2010) Concept Relation Extraction from Construction Documents Using Natural Language Processing. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 136(03), 294–302.
El-adaway, I H and Kandil, A A (2010) Multiagent System for Construction Dispute Resolution (MAS-COR). Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 136(03), 303–15.
El-Gohary, N M and El-Diraby, T E (2010) Dynamic Knowledge-Based Process Integration Portal for Collaborative Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 136(03), 316–28.
Girmscheid, G and Brockmann, C (2010) Inter- and Intraorganizational Trust in International Construction Joint Ventures. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 136(03), 353–60.
Kale, S and Arditi, D (2010) Innovation Diffusion Modeling in the Construction Industry. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 136(03), 329–40.
Lin, C and Huang, H (2010) Improved Baseline Productivity Analysis Technique. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 136(03), 367–76.
Love, P E D, Edwards, D J, Watson, H and Davis, P (2010) Rework in Civil Infrastructure Projects: Determination of Cost Predictors. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 136(03), 275–82.
Menassa, C, Peña Mora, F and Pearson, N (2010) Study of Real Options with Exogenous Competitive Entry to Analyze Dispute Resolution Ladder Investments in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 136(03), 377–90.
Minchin, R E, Henriquez, N R, King, A M and Lewis, D W (2010) Owners Respond: Preferences for Task Performance, Delivery Systems, and Quality Management. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 136(03), 283–93.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: Project delivery; Consulting services; Construction management; Design/build; Quality control; Costs; Scheduling; Delivery; Consulting Services; Construction management; Design/build; Quality control; Cost estimates; Scheduling;
- ISBN/ISSN: 0733-9364
- URL: https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9364(2010)136:3(283)
- Abstract:
Twenty years ago, public owners did almost all of their own design work and project inspection, but this is no longer the case. Innovative construction ideas of 15 years ago are now considered mainstream, and newer ideas are taking their places. Fifteen years ago, the concept of fast-track construction was still being researched and many federal agencies refused to fund it; today, most large federal projects call for some sort of fast tracking. These systems allow construction input into the design process of construction projects. Whoever performs tasks such as scope development, prebid cost estimates, and quality assurance can significantly affect the quality of the project, as can which delivery system is used. The Construction Institute of ASCE sponsored a survey of construction owners to determine what delivery systems are used in their projects and whom they select to perform various tasks. The survey also sought to ascertain the owners’ satisfaction level with the performance of the individuals and systems they choose. This paper, written for practitioners and researchers, describes the results of that survey.
Thomas, M U (2010) Models for Managing Contingency Construction Operations. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 136(03), 391–8.
Toor, S and Ofori, G (2010) Positive Psychological Capital as a Source of Sustainable Competitive Advantage for Organizations. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 136(03), 341–52.
Touran, A (2010) Probabilistic Approach for Budgeting in Portfolio of Projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 136(03), 361–6.