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Cattell, D W, Bowen, P A and Kaka, A P (2007) Review of Unbalanced Bidding Models in Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 133(08), 562–73.
Cheng, E W, Li, H and Fox, P (2007) Job Performance Dimensions for Improving Final Project Outcomes. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 133(08), 592–9.
Elyamany, A, Basha, I and Zayed, T (2007) Performance Evaluating Model for Construction Companies: Egyptian Case Study. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 133(08), 574–81.
Moussourakis, J and Haksever, C (2007) Models for Accurate Computation of Earliest and Latest Start Times and Optimal Compression in Project Networks. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 133(08), 600–8.
Teo, E A L, Chan, S L and Tan, P H (2007) Empirical Investigation into Factors Affecting Exporting Construction Services in SMEs in Singapore. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 133(08), 582–91.
Thomas, H R and Ellis, R D (2007) Contractor Prebid Planning Principles. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 133(08), 542–52.
Vassallo, J M (2007) Implementation of Quality Criteria in Tendering and Regulating Infrastructure Management Contracts. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 133(08), 553–61.