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Bai, Y, Burkett, W R and Nash, P T (2006) Lessons Learned from an Emergency Bridge Replacement Project. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 132(04), 338–44.
Beheiry, S M, Chong, W K and Haas, C T (2006) Examining the Business Impact of Owner Commitment to Sustainability. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 132(04), 384–92.
Drew, D S and Skitmore, M (2006) Testing Vickery’s Revenue Equivalence Theory in Construction Auctions. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 132(04), 425–8.
Horman, M J, Orosz, M P and Riley, D R (2006) Sequence Planning for Electrical Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 132(04), 363–72.
O’Connor, J T and Huh, Y (2006) Crew Production Rates for Contract Time Estimation: Beam Erection, Deck, and Rail of Highway Bridges. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 132(04), 408–15.
Pocock, J B, Kuennen, S T, Gambatese, J and Rauschkolb, J (2006) Constructability State of Practice Report. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 132(04), 373–83.
Shen, L, Lu, W and Yam, M C (2006) Contractor Key Competitiveness Indicators: A China Study. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 132(04), 416–24.
Shohet, I M (2006) Key Performance Indicators for Strategic Healthcare Facilities Maintenance. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 132(04), 345–52.
Tserng, H P, Yin, S Y L and Li, S (2006) Developing a Resource Supply Chain Planning System for Construction Projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 132(04), 393–407.
Zhang, J and El-Diraby, T E (2006) Constructability Analysis of the Bridge Superstructure Rotation Construction Method in China. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 132(04), 353–62.