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Abdelhamid, T S and Everett, J G (2000) Identifying Root Causes of Construction Accidents. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 126(01), 52–60.
Allouche, E N, Ariaratnam, S T and Lueke, J S (2000) Horizontal Directional Drilling: Profile of an Emerging Industry. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 126(01), 68–76.
Back, W E, Boles, W W and Fry, G T (2000) Defining Triangular Probability Distributions from Historical Cost Data. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 126(01), 29–37.
Chinowsky, P S and Meredith, J E (2000) Strategic Management in Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 126(01), 1–9.
Dunston, P S and Reed, A G (2000) Benefits of Small Projects Team Initiative. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 126(01), 22–28.
Ernzen, J J and Schexnayder, C (2000) One Company's Experience with Design/Build: Labor Cost Risk and Profit Potential. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 126(01), 10–14.
Hendrickson, C and Horvath, A (2000) Resource Use and Environmental Emissions of U.S. Construction Sectors. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 126(01), 38–44.
O'Connor, J T and El-Diraby, T E (2000) Urban Freeway Bridge Reconstruction Planning: Case of Mockingbird Bridge. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 126(01), 61–67.
Rowings, J E, Federle, M O and Rusk, J (2000) Design/Build Methods for Electrical Contracting Industry. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 126(01), 15–21.
Tilford, K R, Jaselskis, E J and Smith, G R (2000) Impact of Environmental Contamination on Construction Projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 126(01), 45–51.
Wilson, J M and Koehn, E & (2000) Safety Management: Problems Encountered and Recommended Solutions. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 126(01), 77–79.