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Bubshait, A A and Cunningham, M J (1998) Comparison of Delay Analysis Methodologies. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 124(04), 315–22.
Chao, L and Skibniewski, M J (1998) Fuzzy Logic for Evaluating Alternative Construction Technology. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 124(04), 297–304.
Faniran, O O, Oluwoye, J O and Lenard, D J (1998) Interactions between Construction Planning and Influence Factors. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 124(04), 245–56.
Garza, J M d l, Hancher, D E and Decker, L (1998) Analysis of Safety Indicators in Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 124(04), 312–4.
Harmelink, D J and Rowings, J E (1998) Linear Scheduling Model: Development of Controlling Activity Path. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 124(04), 263–8.
Harris, R B and Ioannou, P G (1998) Scheduling Projects with Repeating Activities. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 124(04), 269–78.
LeBlond, D, Owen, F, Gibson, G E, Haas, C T and Traver, A E (1998) Control Improvement for Advanced Construction Equipment. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 124(04), 289–96.
Moon, S and Bernold, L E (1998) Graphic-Based Human-Machine Interface for Construction Manipulator Control. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 124(04), 305–11.
Tabatabai-Gargari, M and Elzarka, H M (1998) Integrated CAD/KBS Approach for Automating Preconstruction Activities. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 124(04), 257–62.
Tommelein, I D (1998) Pull-Driven Scheduling for Pipe-Spool Installation: Simulation of Lean Construction Technique. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 124(04), 279–88.
Toole, T M (1998) Uncertainty and Home Builders' Adoption of Technological Innovations. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 124(04), 323–32.
Wang, S Q, Tiong, R L K, Ting, S K, Chew, D and Ashley, D (1998) Evaluation and Competitive Tendering of BOT Power Plant Project in China. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 124(04), 333–41.