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Bakens, W (1997) International Trends in Building and Construction Research . Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 123(02), 102–4.
Crowley, L G, Lutz, J D and Burleson, R C (1997) Functional Illiteracy in Construction Industry . Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 123(02), 162–70.
Hampson, K and Tatum, C B (1997) Technology Strategy and Competitive Performance in Bridge Construction . Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 123(02), 153–61.
Kartam, N A (1997) Integrating Safety and Health Performance into Construction CPM . Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 123(02), 121–6.
Luiten, G T & and Tolman, F P (1997) Automating Communication in Civil Engineering . Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 123(02), 113–20.
Noyce, D A and Hanna, A S (1997) Planned Schedule Compression Concept File For Electrical Contractors . Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 123(02), 189–97.
Peng, J L, Yen, T, Lin, Y, Wu, K L and Chen, W F (1997) Performance of Scaffold Frame Shoring under Pattern Loads and Load Paths . Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 123(02), 138–45.
Riley, D R and Sanvido, V E (1997) Space Planning Method for Multistory Building Construction . Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 123(02), 171–80.
Sillars, D N and Kangari, R (1997) Japanese Construction Alliances . Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 123(02), 146–52.
Thomas, H R and Raynar, K A (1997) Scheduled Overtime and Labor Productivity: Quantitative Analysis . Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 123(02), 181–8.
Wakefield, R R and Sears, G A (1997) Petri Nets for Simulation and Modeling of Construction Systems . Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 123(02), 105–12.
Yates, J K and Aniftos, S (1997) International Standards and Construction . Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 123(02), 127–37.