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Chan, W, Chua, D K H and Kannan, G (1996) Construction Resource Scheduling with Genetic Algorithms . Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 122(02), 125–32.

Dozzi, S P, AbouRizk, S M and Schroeder, S L (1996) Utility-Theory Model for Bid Markup Decisions . Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 122(02), 119–24.

Elazouni, A M and Basha, I M (1996) Evaluating the Performance of Construction Equipment Operators in Egypt . Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 122(02), 109–14.

Everett, J G and Frank, P B (1996) Costs of Accidents and Injuries to the Construction Industry . Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 122(02), 158–64.

Everett, J G and Saito, H (1996) Construction Automation: Demands and Satisfiers in the United States and Japan . Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 122(02), 147–51.

Farmer, I W (1996) Performance of Chain Trenchers in Mixed Ground . Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 122(02), 115–8.

Hinze, J and Bren, D (1996) Analysis of Fatalities and Injuries Due to Powerline Contacts . Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 122(02), 177–82.

Hinze, J and Nelson, A (1996) Enhancing Performance of Soundless Chemical Demolition Agents . Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 122(02), 193–5.

Navon, R, Rubinovitz, Y and Coffler, M (1996) Fully Automated Rebar CAD/CAM System: Economic Evaluation and Field Implementation . Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 122(02), 101–8.

Paek, J H and Ock, J H (1996) Innovative Building Construction Technique: Modified Up/Down Method . Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 122(02), 141–6.

Pocock, J B, Hyun, C T, Liu, L Y and Kim, M K (1996) Relationship between Project Interaction and Performance Indicators . Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 122(02), 165–76.

Russell, J S and Zhai, H (1996) Predicting Contractor Failure Using Stochastic Dynamics of Economic and Financial Variables . Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 122(02), 183–91.

Warszawski, A (1996) Strategic Planning in Construction Companies . Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 122(02), 133–40.

Wolters, R S and Burleson, R C (1996) Merit Shop Recruitment and Selection Practices in Alabama . Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 122(02), 152–7.