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Back, W E and Bell, L C (1995) Quantifying Process Benefits of Electronic Data Management Technologies. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 121(04), 415–21.
Barras, G C and Mayo, R E (1995) Minidirectional Drilling for Installation of Underground Electrical Conduit. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 121(04), 364–9.
Beliveau, Y J, Williams, J M, King, M G and Niles, A R (1995) Real-Time Position Measurement Integrated with CAD: Technologies and Their Protocols. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 121(04), 346–54.
Dias, A and Ioannou, P G (1995) Debt Capacity and Optimal Capital Structure for Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 121(04), 404–14.
Diekmann, J E and Girard, M J (1995) Are Contract Disputes Predictable?. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 121(04), 355–63.
Elzarka, H M and Bell, L C (1995) Object-Oriented Methodology for Materials-Management Systems. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 121(04), 438–45.
Hanlon, E J and Sanvido, V E (1995) Constructability Information Classification Scheme. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 121(04), 337–45.
Herbsman, Z J (1995) A+B Bidding Method—Hidden Success Story for Highway Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 121(04), 430–7.
Hinze, J, Bren, D C and Piepho, N (1995) Experience Modification Rating As Measure of Safety Performance. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 121(04), 455–8.
Jeljeli, M N and Russell, J S (1995) Coping with Uncertainty in Environmental Construction: Decision-Analysis Approach. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 121(04), 370–80.
Kangari, R (1995) Risk Management Perceptions and Trends of U.S. Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 121(04), 422–9.
Kim, J and Ibbs, C W (1995) Work-Package–Process Model for Piping Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 121(04), 381–7.
Liu, L, Burns, S A and Feng, C (1995) Construction Time-Cost Trade-Off Analysis Using LP/IP Hybrid Method. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 121(04), 446–54.
Riley, D R and Sanvido, V E (1995) Patterns of Construction-Space Use in Multistory Buildings. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 121(04), 464–73.
Senior, B A (1995) Late-Time Computation for Task Chains Using Discrete-Event Simulation. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 121(04), 397–403.
Smith, S D, Osborne, J R and Forde, M C (1995) Analysis of Earth-Moving Systems Using Discrete-Event Simulation. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 121(04), 388–96.
Thomas, H R, Smith, G R and Cummings, D J (1995) Enforcement of Liquidated Damages. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 121(04), 459–63.