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Carty, G J (1995) Construction . Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 121(03), 319–28.
Gibson, G E, Kaczmarowski, J H and Lore, H E (1995) Preproject-Planning Process for Capital Facilities. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 121(03), 312–8.
Herbsman, Z J, Tong Chen, W and Epstein, W C (1995) Time Is Money: Innovative Contracting Methods in Highway Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 121(03), 273–81.
Koehn, E &, Kothari, R K and Pan, C (1995) Safety in Developing Countries: Professional and Bureaucratic Problems. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 121(03), 261–5.
Powderham, A J and Tamaro, G J (1995) Mansion House London: Risk Assessment and Protection. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 121(03), 266–72.
Sawhney, A and AbouRizk, S M (1995) HSM-Simulation–Based Planning Method for Construction Projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 121(03), 297–303.
Shapira, A (1995) Rational Design of Shoring-Tower–Based Formwork. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 121(03), 255–60.
Thomas, H R and Napolitan, C L (1995) Quantitative Effects of Construction Changes on Labor Productivity. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 121(03), 290–6.
Tiong, R L K (1995) Competitive Advantage of Equity in BOT Tender. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 121(03), 282–9.
Tiong, R L K (1995) Impact of Financial Package versus Technical Solution in a BOT Tender. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 121(03), 304–11.