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Ashley, D B and Bonner, J J (1987) Political Risks in International Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 113(03), 447–67.
Borges, S K (1987) Roller‐Compacted Concrete Pavement: U.S. Air Force Decision Model. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 113(03), 480–7.
C. William, I and Ashley, D B (1987) Impact of Various Construction Contract Clauses. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 113(03), 501–21.
Duff, A R (1987) Interference in Stochastic Flow‐line Models. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 113(03), 385–98.
Friedrich, D R, Daly, J P and Dick, W G (1987) Revisions, Repairs, and Rework on Large Projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 113(03), 488–500.
Gilly, B A, Touran, A and Asai, T (1987) Quality Control Circles in Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 113(03), 427–39.
Halpin, D W, Paulson, B C, Schub, A and Willenbrock, J H (1987) Construction Education and Research in Central Europe. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 113(03), 468–79.
Hester, W T, Kuprenas, J A and H. Randolph, T (1987) Arbitration: A Look at its Form and Performance. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 113(03), 353–67.
Maloney, W F and McFillen, J M (1987) Influence of Foremen on Performance. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 113(03), 399–415.
Maloney, W F and McFillen, J M (1987) Worker Perceptions of Contractor Behavior. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 113(03), 416–26.
Naouin, S G and Langford, D (1987) Management Contracting—The Client's View. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 113(03), 369–84.
Rogge, D F and Tucker, R L (1987) Research Needs in Steel and Concrete Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 113(03), 440–6.
Staab, G E (1987) Inspection Checklist for Sheet Pile Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 113(03), 525–8.