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Bell, L C and Stukhart, G (1987) Costs and Benefits of Materials Management Systems. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 113(02), 222–34.
Cowie, G F (1987) Enough Scope Yields Better Estimates. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 113(02), 315–20.
Halligan, D W, Hester, W T and Thomas, H R (1987) Managing Unforeseen Site Conditions. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 113(02), 273–87.
Hendrickson, C, Martinelli, D and Rehak, D (1987) Hierarchical Rule‐Based Activity Duration Estimation. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 113(02), 288–301.
Ibbs, C W, Bates, L C and Echeverry, D (1987) Owner‐Furnished Equipment (OFE) Contract Practices. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 113(02), 249–63.
Koehn, E and Caplan, S B (1987) Work Improvement Data for Small and Medium Size Contractors. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 113(02), 327–39.
Maloney, W F and McFillen, J M (1987) Motivational Impact of Work Crews. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 113(02), 208–21.
O'Connor, J T, Rusch, S E and Schulz, M J (1987) Constructability Concepts for Engineering and Procurement. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 113(02), 235–48.
Paulson, B C, Chan, W T and Koo, C C (1987) Construction Operations Simulation by Microcomputer. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 113(02), 302–14.
Ringwald, R C (1987) Bunching Theory Applied to Minimize Cost. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 113(02), 321–6.
Rounds, J L and Warning, G (1987) Impact of Computerizing Midsized Construction Companies. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 113(02), 183–90.
Tatum, C B (1987) Balancing Engineering and Management in Construction Education. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 113(02), 264–72.
Tatum, C B (1987) Improving Constructibility during Conceptual Planning. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 113(02), 191–207.
Whittaker, J (1987) Equipment Rates from Revenue Requirements. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 113(02), 173–8.