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Ashley, D B, Uehara, K and Robinson, B E (1983) Critical Decision Making During Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 109(02), 146–62.
Bell, L C and McCullouch, B G (1983) Microcomputer Spreadsheet Applications. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 109(02), 214–23.
Bowlby, W and Cohn, L F (1983) Prediction of Highway Construction Noise Levels. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 109(02), 163–80.
Carr, R I and Maloney, W F (1983) Basic Research Needs in Construction Engineering. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 109(02), 181–9.
Handa, V K and Rivers, D (1983) Downgrading Construction Incidents. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 109(02), 190–205.
Jenny, R J (1983) Compressed Air Use in Soft Ground Tunneling. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 109(02), 206–13.
Koehn, E and Musser, K (1983) OSHA Regulations Effects on Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 109(02), 233–44.
Maloney, W F and McFillen, J M (1983) Research Needs in Construction Worker Performance. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 109(02), 245–54.
Tatum, C B (1983) Innovations in Nuclear Concrete Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 109(02), 131–45.
Tatum, C B and Cottrell, T E (1983) Resident Engineering in Power Plant Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 109(02), 224–32.