Abstracts – Browse Results
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Bae, S, Martin, C S and Asojo, A O (2021) Indoor environmental quality factors that matter to workplace occupants: an 11-year-benchmark study. Building Research & Information, 49(04), 445–59.
Erkan, & (2021) Cognitive response and how it is affected by changes in temperature. Building Research & Information, 49(04), 399–416.
Franke, M and Nadler, C (2021) Towards a holistic approach for assessing the impact of IEQ on satisfaction, health, and productivity. Building Research & Information, 49(04), 417–44.
Gilani, S and O’Brien, W (2021) Natural ventilation usability under climate change in Canada and the United States. Building Research & Information, 49(04), 367–86.
Rohde, L, Jensen, R L, Larsen, O K, Jønsson, K T and Larsen, T S (2021) Holistic indoor environmental quality assessment as a driver in early building design. Building Research & Information, 49(04), 460–81.
Roskams, M J and Haynes, B P (2021) Testing the relationship between objective indoor environment quality and subjective experiences of comfort. Building Research & Information, 49(04), 387–98.