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Adekunle, T O (2020) Occupants’ comfort and stress indices in a structural timber school building in the Northeast US in different seasons. Building Research & Information, 48(03), 331–48.
Bae, S, Asojo, A O and Martin, C S (2020) Impact of occupants’ demographics on indoor environmental quality satisfaction in the workplace. Building Research & Information, 48(03), 301–15.
Burnard, M D and Kutnar, A (2020) Human stress responses in office-like environments with wood furniture. Building Research & Information, 48(03), 316–30.
Chen, J C, Tsaih, L S and Li, Y (2020) Exploring views on communal amenities and well-being in housing for seniors in Taiwan. Building Research & Information, 48(03), 239–53.
Goodhew, S, Latour, J M, Duthie, J, Shirreff, H, Riddlestone, P, Metcalfe, J and Fox, M (2020) Hospital ward temperatures related to hypothermic risk in orthopaedic patients. Building Research & Information, 48(03), 286–300.
Higuera-Trujillo, J L, Llinares Millán, C, Montañana i Aviñó, A and Rojas, J (2020) Multisensory stress reduction: a neuro-architecture study of paediatric waiting rooms. Building Research & Information, 48(03), 269–85.
Jellema, P, Annemans, M and Heylighen, A (2020) The roles of cancer care facilities in users’ well-being. Building Research & Information, 48(03), 254–68.