Abstracts – Browse Results
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Brown, N, Malmqvist, T and Wintzell, H (2016) Owner organizations' value-creation strategies through environmental certification of buildings. Building Research & Information, 44(08), 863-74.
Chand, A M and Loosemore, M (2016) Hospital learning from extreme weather events: Using causal loop diagrams. Building Research & Information, 44(08), 875-88.
Fennell, P, Ruyssevelt, P and Smith, A Z P (2016) Financial viability of school retrofit projects for clients and ESCOs. Building Research & Information, 44(08), 889-11.
Garretón, J Y, Rodriguez, R and Pattini, A (2016) Effects of perceived indoor temperature on daylight glare perception. Building Research & Information, 44(08), 907-19.
Huuhka, S (2016) Vacant residential buildings as potential reserves: A geographical and statistical study. Building Research & Information, 44(08), 816-39.
Kuusk, K and Kalamees, T (2016) Retrofit cost-effectiveness: Estonian apartment buildings. Building Research & Information, 44(08), 920-34.
Ortlepp, R, Gruhler, K and Schiller, G (2016) Material stocks in Germany's non-domestic buildings: A new quantification method. Building Research & Information, 44(08), 840-62.