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Hatayama, H and Tahara, K (2016) Using decomposition analysis to forecast metal usage in the building stock. Building Research & Information, 44(01), 63-72.
Holmes, S H, Phillips, T and Wilson, A (2016) Overheating and passive habitability: Indoor health and heat indices. Building Research & Information, 44(01), 1-19.
Huuhka, S and Lahdensivu, J (2016) Statistical and geographical study on demolished buildings. Building Research & Information, 44(01), 73-96.
Kleemann, F, Lederer, J, Aschenbrenner, P, Rechberger, H and Fellner, J (2016) A method for determining buildings' material composition prior to demolition. Building Research & Information, 44(01), 51-62.
Leder, S, Newsham, G R, Veitch, J A, Mancini, S and Charles, K E (2016) Effects of office environment on employee satisfaction: A new analysis. Building Research & Information, 44(01), 34-50.
Parkinson, T, de Dear, R and Candido, C (2016) Thermal pleasure in built environments: Alliesthesia in different thermoregulatory zones. Building Research & Information, 44(01), 20-33.
Simpson, S, Banfill, P, Haines, V, Mallaband, B and Mitchell, V (2016) Energy-led domestic retrofit: Impact of the intervention sequence. Building Research & Information, 44(01), 97-115.