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Almeida, N, Sousa, V, Alves Dias, L and Branco, F (2010) A framework for combining risk-management and performance-based building approaches. Building Research & Information, 38(02), 74.
Ascione, F, Bellia, L, Mazzei, P and Minichiello, F (2010) Solar gain and building envelope: the surface factor. Building Research & Information, 38(02), 205.
Carbonara, N and Pellegrino, R (2020) The role of public private partnerships in fostering innovation. Construction Management and Economics, 38(02), 140–56.
Dansoh, A, Frimpong, S and Oppong, G D (2020) Exploring the dimensions of traditional authority influencing stakeholder management at the pre-construction stage of infrastructure projects. Construction Management and Economics, 38(02), 189–206.
Eriksson, P, Milić, V and Brostrom, T (2020) Balancing preservation and energy efficiency in building stocks. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 38(02), 356–73.
Februandari, A (2020) Authenticity in cultural built heritage: learning from Chinese Indonesians’ houses. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 38(02), 262–78.
Gram-Hanssen, K (2010) Residential heat comfort practices: understanding users. Building Research & Information, 38(02), 86.
Leiringer, R and Schweber, L (2010) Managing multiple markets: big firms and PFI. Building Research & Information, 38(02), 43.
Lucke, T and Beecham, S (2010) Capacity loss in siphonic roof drainage systems due to aeration. Building Research & Information, 38(02), 17.
Narbaev, T, De Marco, A and Orazalin, N (2020) A multi-disciplinary meta-review of the public–private partnerships research. Construction Management and Economics, 38(02), 109–25.
Organ, S (2020) The opportunities and challenges of improving the condition and sustainability of a historic building at an international tourist attraction in the UK. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 38(02), 329–55.
Pu, W, Xu, F, Chen, R and Marques, R C (2020) PPP project procurement model selection in China: does it matter?. Construction Management and Economics, 38(02), 126–39.
Rose, T and Manley, K (2010) Motivational misalignment on an iconic infrastructure project. Building Research & Information, 38(02), 56.
Sharma, M and Lee, A (2020) Dementia-friendly heritage settings: a research review. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 38(02), 279–310.
Tavakoli, N and Hosseini Nourzad, S H (2020) Win-win pricing method for BOT projects using a simulation-based evolutionary optimization. Construction Management and Economics, 38(02), 157–71.
Tunefalk, M, Legner, M and Leijonhufvud, G (2020) Long-term effects of additional insulation of building façades in Sweden. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 38(02), 374–85.
van der Meer, J, Hartmann, A, van der Horst, A and Dewulf, G (2020) Multi-criteria decision analysis and quality of design decisions in infrastructure tenders: a contractor’s perspective. Construction Management and Economics, 38(02), 172–88.
Whitman, C J, Prizeman, O, Walker, P and Gwilliam, J A (2020) Heritage retrofit and cultural empathy; a discussion of challenges regarding the energy performance of historic UK timber-framed dwellings. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 38(02), 386–404.
Zahari, N F, Che-Ani, A I, Abdul Rashid, R B, Mohd Tahir, M A and Amat, S (2020) Factors contribute in development of the assessment framework for wheelchair accessibility in National Heritage Buildings in Malaysia. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 38(02), 311–28.