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Ballesteros-Pérez, P, Skitmore, M, Pellicer, E and González-Cruz, M C (2015) Scoring rules and abnormally low bids criteria in construction tenders: a taxonomic review. Construction Management and Economics, 33(04), 259-78.
Bordass, B and Leaman, A (2005) Making feedback and post-occupancy evaluation routine 1: A portfolio of feedback techniques. Building Research & Information, 33(04), 347–52.
Bordass, B and Leaman, A (2005) Making feedback and post-occupancy evaluation routine 3: Case studies of the use of techniques in the feedback portfolio. Building Research & Information, 33(04), 361–75.
Hamzeh, F R, Zankoul, E and Rouhana, C (2015) How can 'tasks made ready' during look-ahead planning impact reliable workflow and project duration?. Construction Management and Economics, 33(04), 243-58.
Herazo, B and Lizarralde, G (2015) The influence of green building certifications in collaboration and innovation processes. Construction Management and Economics, 33(04), 279-98.
Humphreys, M A (2005) Quantifying occupant comfort: are combined indices of the indoor environment practicable?. Building Research & Information, 33(04), 317–25.
Kaminsky, J (2015) The fourth pillar of infrastructure sustainability: tailoring civil infrastructure to social context. Construction Management and Economics, 33(04), 299-309.
Kampschroer, K and Heerwagen, J H (2005) The strategic workplace: development and evaluation. Building Research & Information, 33(04), 326–37.
Loosemore, M and Lim, B (2015) Inter-organizational unfairness in the construction industry. Construction Management and Economics, 33(04), 310-26.
Nicol, F and Roaf, S (2005) Post-occupancy evaluation and field studies of thermal comfort. Building Research & Information, 33(04), 338–46.
Way, M and Bordass, B (2005) Making feedback and post-occupancy evaluation routine 2: Soft landings – involving design and building teams in improving performance. Building Research & Information, 33(04), 353–60.