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Aibinu, A A, Ling, F Y Y and Ofori, G (2011) Structural equation modelling of organizational justice and cooperative behaviour in the construction project claims process: contractors' perspectives. Construction Management and Economics, 29(05), 463–81.

Alemu, S K (2022) Construction time prediction model for public building projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(05), 2183-206.

Cole, R J (2001) Lessons learned, future directions and issues for GBC. Building Research & Information, 29(05), 355–73.

Deal, B (2001) Ecological urban dynamics: the convergence of spatial modelling and sustainability. Building Research & Information, 29(05), 381–93.

Elkabalawy, M and Moselhi, O (2022) Optimized resource-constrained method for project schedule compression. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(05), 2106-29.

Gambatese, J A and Hallowell, M (2011) Factors that influence the development and diffusion of technical innovations in the construction industry. Construction Management and Economics, 29(05), 507–17.

Garay, A, Ruiz, A and Guevara, J (2022) Dynamic evaluation of thermal comfort scenarios in a Colombian large-scale social housing project. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(05), 1909-30.

Gunduz, M and Al-Naimi, N H (2022) Construction projects delay mitigation using integrated balanced scorecard and quality function deployment. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(05), 2073-105.

Hon, C K H, Sun, C, Xia, B, Jimmieson, N L, Way, K A and Wu, P P Y (2022) Applications of Bayesian approaches in construction management research: a systematic review. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(05), 2153-82.

Hou, W and Wang, L (2022) Research on the refinancing capital structure of highway PPP projects based on dynamic capital demand. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(05), 2047-72.

Jarkas, A and Horner, M (2011) Revisiting the applicability of learning curve theory to formwork labour productivity. Construction Management and Economics, 29(05), 483–93.

John, S T, Mohan, A, Philip, M S, Sarkar, P and Davis, R (2022) An IoT device for striking of vertical concrete formwork. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(05), 1991-2010.

Kim, Y W, Han, S, Shin, S and Choi, K (2011) A case study of activity‐based costing in allocating rebar fabrication costs to projects. Construction Management and Economics, 29(05), 449–61.

Koc, K and Gurgun, A P (2022) Ambiguity factors in construction contracts entailing conflicts. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(05), 1946-64.

Larsson, N K and Cole, R J (2001) Green building challenge: the development of an idea. Building Research & Information, 29(05), 45.

Liou, F m, Yang, C h, Chen, B and Chen, W (2011) Identifying the Pareto‐front approximation for negotiations of BOT contracts with a multi‐objective genetic algorithm. Construction Management and Economics, 29(05), 535–48.

Luo, L, Zhang, L, Zheng, X and Wu, G (2022) A hybrid approach for investigating impacts of leadership dynamics on project performance. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(05), 1965-90.

Mackley, C J and Milonas, S (2001) Knowledge transfer and Green Building Challenge. Building Research & Information, 29(05), 54.

Pemsel, S and Widén, K (2011) Bridging boundaries between organizations in construction. Construction Management and Economics, 29(05), 495–506.

Plessis, C d (2001) Sustainability and sustainable construction: the African context. Building Research & Information, 29(05), 374–80.

Rahmani, F, Scott-Young, C, Tadayon, A and van der Walt, J D (2022) Team composition in relational contracting (RC) in large infrastructure projects: a Belbin’s team roles model approach. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(05), 2027-46.

Said, H, Mali, A and Deshmukh, A (2022) Identification and assessment of the unionization factors of the US electrical construction trade. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(05), 2207-31.

Shah, R K and Dawood, N (2011) An innovative approach for generation of a time location plan in road construction projects. Construction Management and Economics, 29(05), 435–48.

Theaker, I G and Cole, R J (2001) The role of local governments in fostering 'green' buildings: a case study. Building Research & Information, 29(05), 394–408.

Thomas Ng, S, Fan, R Y C and Wong, J M W (2011) An econometric model for forecasting private construction investment in Hong Kong. Construction Management and Economics, 29(05), 519–34.

Todd, J A, Crawley, D, Geissler, S and Lindsey, G (2001) Comparative assessment of environmental performance tools and the role of the Green Building Challenge. Building Research & Information, 29(05), 324–35.

Wang, P, Fenn, P, Wang, K and Huang, Y (2022) A Bayesian belief network predictive model for construction delay avoidance in the UK. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(05), 2011-26.

Zhang, N, Deng, X, Hwang, B G, Bi, M and Mahmoudi, A (2022) A novel approach to selecting the best partner for high-speed rail firms. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(05), 2130-52.