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Ansah, R H and Sorooshian, S (2018) 4P delays in project management. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 25(01), 62-76.
Babatunde, S O, Perera, S, Ekundayo, D and Adeleye, T E (2020) An investigation into BIM-based detailed cost estimating and drivers to the adoption of BIM in quantity surveying practices. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 25(01), 61–81.
Carreira, P, Castelo, T, Gomes, C C, Ferreira, A, Ribeiro, C and Costa, A A (2018) Virtual reality as integration environments for facilities management: Application and users' perceptions. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 25(01), 90-112.
Cheah, C Y J, Kang, J and Chew, D A S (2007) Strategic analysis of large local construction firms in China. Construction Management and Economics, 25(01), 25-38.
Chen, J J (1997) China's construction industry and foreign investment. Building Research & Information, 25(01), 5–10.
Coleman, E, Nooni, I K, Fianko, S K, Dadzie, L, Neequaye, E N, Owusu-Agyemang, J and Ansa-Asare, E O (2020) Assessing contract management as a strategic tool for achieving quality of work in Ghanaian construction industry. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 25(01), 41–60.
Fan, Y and Kokko, E (1997) Three-dimensional gaseous transfer within cellular plastic insulation and its consequences. Building Research & Information, 25(01), 25–35.
Gerbov, A, Singh, V and Herva, M (2018) Challenges in applying design research studies to assess benefits of BIM in infrastructure projects: Reflections from Finnish case studies. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 25(01), 2-20.
Hatamleh, M T, Hiyassat, M, Sweis, G J and Sweis, R J (2018) Factors affecting the accuracy of cost estimate: Case of Jordan. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 25(01), 113-31.
Ikuabe, M, Oke, A E and Aigbavboa, C (2020) Impact of contractors’ opportunism on construction project transaction costs. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 25(01), 125–41.
Keswani, K (1997) The contribution of building centres to low-cost housing in India. Building Research & Information, 25(01), 50–64.
Lewis, T M (2007) Impact of globalization on the construction sector in developing countries. Construction Management and Economics, 25(01), 7-23.
Lian, J K M, Foo, Z Y and Ling, F Y Y (2018) Value of internships for professional careers in the built environment sector in Singapore. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 25(01), 77-89.
Lingard, H, Blismas, N, Harley, J, Stranieri, A, Zhang, R P and Pirzadeh, P (2018) Making the invisible visible: Stimulating work health and safety-relevant thinking through the use of infographics in construction design. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 25(01), 39-61.
Ma, L, Reed, R and Jin, X (2018) Identify the equilibrium of residential construction output: A vector error correction model approach. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 25(01), 21-38.
Mbachu, J and Nkado, R (2007) Factors constraining successful building project implementation in South Africa. Construction Management and Economics, 25(01), 39-54.
Perera, B, Samarakkody, A L and Nandasena, S R (2020) Managing financial and economic risks associated with high-rise apartment building construction in Sri Lanka. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 25(01), 143–62.
Pheng, L S and Omar, H F (1997) Integration, segmentalism and the maintenance of quality management systems in the construction industry. Building Research & Information, 25(01), 36–49.
Plessis, C D (2007) A strategic framework for sustainable construction in developing countries. Construction Management and Economics, 25(01), 67-76.
Rwelamila, P M D (2007) Project management competence in public sector infrastructure organisations. Construction Management and Economics, 25(01), 55-66.
Sha, K, Deng, X, Chen, Q and Xie, B (1997) Evolution of cost estimating system in China: intelligent estimator for Shandong Province (IES) to general intelligent estimator (GIE). Building Research & Information, 25(01), 11–4.
Shih, N-J and Lan, W-J (1997) Incorporating a 3D urban environmental model (3DUEM) into government and architectural firms. Building Research & Information, 25(01), 18–24.
Singla, H K (2020) Does family ownership affect the profitability of construction and real estate firms? Evidence from India. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 25(01), 107–24.
Tawalare, A and Laishram, B (2020) Factors hindering effective partnering in Indian public sector construction organizations. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 25(01), 83–105.
Wei, H and Xu, X (1997) Composite masonry buildings in China. Building Research & Information, 25(01), 15–7.
Wells, J (2007) Informality in the construction sector in developing countries. Construction Management and Economics, 25(01), 87-93.
Wong, J, Wong, P N K and Heng, L (2007) An investigation of leadership styles and relationship cultures of Chinese and expatriate managers in multinational construction companies in Hong Kong. Construction Management and Economics, 25(01), 95-106.
Yorucu, V and Keles, R (2007) The construction boom and environmental protection in Northern Cyprus as a consequence of the Annan Plan. Construction Management and Economics, 25(01), 77-86.
Zekri, M M and Razali, M N (2020) Volatility dynamics of Malaysian listed property companies within the Asian public property markets by using a switching regime approach. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 25(01), 5–39.