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Adam, A, Josephson, P-E B and Lindahl, G (2017) Aggregation of factors causing cost overruns and time delays in large public construction projects: Trends and implications. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(03), 393-406.

Adesi, M, Owusu-Manu, D and Boateng, F (2019) Segmentation of quantity surveying professional services for focus strategy and diversification. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 24(03), 294–308.

Agyekum, K and Amudjie, J (2024) Challenges to implementing circular economy: Empirical evidence among built environment firms in Ghana. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(03), 281–97.

Al-Musallami, A I and Assaf, S A (1996) Public owners' satisfaction with consultancy practices in Saudi Arabia. Building Research & Information, 24(03), 148–51.

Ali, B, Aibinu, A A and Paton-Cole, V (2024) Closing the information gaps: a systematic review of research on delay and disruption claims. Construction Innovation, 24(03), 790-810.

Anumba, C J (1996) Issues in the investigation and reporting of housing subsidence. Building Research & Information, 24(03), 170–5.

Assaf, S A, Al-Hammad, A M and Ubaid, A (1996) Factors affecting construction contractors' performance. Building Research & Information, 24(03), 159–63.

Assaf, S A, Al-Musallami, A I and Sughaiyer, M A (1996) Value engineering in public construction projects in Saudi Arabia. Building Research & Information, 24(03), 152–8.

Awe, O O, Atofarati, E O, Adeyinka, M O, Musa, A P and Onasanya, E O (2024) Assessing the factors affecting building construction collapse casualty using machine learning techniques: A case of Lagos, Nigeria. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(03), 261–9.

Awuku, B, Asa, E and Baffoe-Twum, E (2024) Conceptual cost estimation of highway bid unit prices using ordinary kriging. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(03), 351–60.

Baker, M, Ali, M and Crawford, L (2024) What do women want? An exploration of workplace attraction and retention factors for women in construction. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(03), 270–80.

Bayat, F, Noorzai, E and Golabchi, M (2019) Identifying the most important public–private partnership risks in Afghanistan’s infrastructure projects. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 24(03), 309–37.

Bridge, A J and Tisdell, C (2006) The determinants of the vertical boundaries of the construction firm: response. Construction Management and Economics, 24(03), 23-36.

Chang, C-Y (2006) Comment - The determinants of the vertical boundaries of the construction firm: comment. Construction Management and Economics, 24(03), 229-32.

Daniel, E I, Pasquire, C, Dickens, G and Ballard, H G (2017) The relationship between the Last Planner® system and collaborative planning practice in UK construction. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(03), 407-25.

Deacon, H A and Kajimo-Shakantu, K (2024) The prevalence of claims under the JBCC principal building agreement in South Africa. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(03), 331–8.

Dithebe, K, Aigbavboa, C O, Thwala, W D and Oke, A E (2019) Factor analysis of critical success factors for water infrastructure projects delivered under public–private partnerships. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 24(03), 338–57.

Eftekhari, M M (1996) Ventilator air flow measurement in new houses. Building Research & Information, 24(03), 176–82.

El-Diraby, T A and Gill, S M (2006) A taxonomy for construction terms in privatized-infrastructure finance: supporting semantic exchange of project risk information. Construction Management and Economics, 24(03), 271-85.

Enshassi, A (1996) A monitoring and controlling system in managing infrastructure projects. Building Research & Information, 24(03), 183–9.

Enshassi, A, Saleh, N and Mohamed, S (2019) Application level of lean construction techniques in reducing accidents in construction projects. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 24(03), 274–93.

Ghosh, A, Abawajy, J and Chowdhury, M (2024) Redefining the construction managerial landscape to facilitate Industry 4.0 implementation: scientometric mapping of research frontiers. Construction Innovation, 24(03), 657-83.

Ginigaddara, B, Perera, S, Feng, Y, Rahnamayiezekavat, P and Kagioglou, M (2024) Industry 4.0 driven emerging skills of offsite construction: a multi-case study-based analysis. Construction Innovation, 24(03), 747-69.

Griffiths, P W, Norton, B, Eames, P C and Lo, S N G (1996) Detailed simulation of heat transfer across planar evacuated glazing. Building Research & Information, 24(03), 141–7.

Hashemi, R and Shahbandarzadeh, H (2024) A fuzzy goal programming model for time, cost, and quality trade-off problem in metro construction projects considering sustainable development. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(03), 323–30.

Jarkas, A M (2017) Beamless or beam-supported building floors: Is buildability knowledge the missing link to improving productivity?. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(03), 537-52.

Lam, J C and Hui, S C M (1996) A review of building energy standards and implications for Hong Kong. Building Research & Information, 24(03), 131–40.

Leiringer, R (2006) Technological innovation in PPPs: incentives, opportunities and actions. Construction Management and Economics, 24(03), 301-8.

Manoharan, K, Dissanayake, P, Pathirana, C, Deegahawature, D and Silva, R (2024) Evaluating the efficiency and productivity of general workers in structural work practices of building construction through work-based training applications. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(03), 339–50.

McNamara, A J, Shirowzhan, S and M.E. Sepasgozar, S (2024) Investigating the determents of intelligent construction contract adoption: a refinement of the technology readiness index to inform an integrated technology acceptance model. Construction Innovation, 24(03), 702-24.

Mei, T, Wang, Q, Xiao, Y and Yang, M (2017) Rent-seeking behavior of BIM- and IPD-based construction project in China. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(03), 514-36.

Mohammed, A, Zayed, T, Nasiri, F and Bagchi, A (2024) Asset management-based resilience index formulation for pavements via principal components analysis. Construction Innovation, 24(03), 830-45.

Mollo, L G, Emuze, F and Smallwood, J (2019) Improving occupational health and safety (OHS) in construction using Training-Within-Industry method. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 24(03), 655–71.

Molwus, J J, Erdogan, B and Ogunlana, S (2017) Using structural equation modelling to understand the relationships among critical success factors for stakeholder management in construction. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(03), 426-50.

Nawaz, A and Guribie, F L (2024) Impacts of institutional isomorphism on the adoption of social procurement in the Chinese construction industry. Construction Innovation, 24(03), 846-62.

Newton, S (2024) Measuring the perceptual, physiological and environmental factors that impact stress in the construction industry. Construction Innovation, 24(03), 684-701.

Nursyamsi, N, Tarigan, J, Aswin, M, Abu Bakar, B H and Hardjasaputra, H (2024) Structural behaviour of the strengthened reinforced concrete beams using ultra high-performance fibre reinforced concrete layer. Construction Innovation, 24(03), 725-46.

Ogunsemi, D R and Jagboro, G O (2006) Time-cost model for building projects in Nigeria. Construction Management and Economics, 24(03), 253-8.

Olatunji, O A, Aje, O I and Makanjuola, S (2017) Bid or no-bid decision factors of indigenous contractors in Nigeria. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(03), 378-92.

Owusu-Manu, D, Jehuri, A B, Edwards, D J, Boateng, F and Asumadu, G (2019) The impact of infrastructure development on economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa with special focus on Ghana. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 24(03), 253–73.

Parchami Jalal, M and Shoar, S (2019) A hybrid framework to model factors affecting construction labour productivity. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 24(03), 630–54.

Peansupap, V and Walker, D H T (2006) Innovation diffusion at the implementation stage of a construction project: a case study of information communication technology. Construction Management and Economics, 24(03), 321-32.

Phua, F T T (2006) Predicting construction firm performance: an empirical assessment of the differential impact between industry- and firm-specific factors. Construction Management and Economics, 24(03), 309-20.

Price, A D F and Chahal, K (2006) A strategic framework for change management. Construction Management and Economics, 24(03), 237-51.

Qureshi, A H, Alaloul, W S, Wing, W K, Saad, S, Alzubi, K M and Musarat, M A (2024) Factors affecting the implementation of automated progress monitoring of rebar using vision-based technologies. Construction Innovation, 24(03), 770-89.

Radzi, A R, Azmi, N F, Kamaruzzaman, S N, Rahman, R A and Papadonikolaki, E (2024) Relationship between digital twin and building information modeling: a systematic review and future directions. Construction Innovation, 24(03), 811-29.

Razouki, S S and Al-Zubaidi, M A (1996) Minimum cost route for a highway in heterogeneous terrain. Building Research & Information, 24(03), 164–9.

Rostami, A and Oduoza, C F (2017) Key risks in construction projects in Italy: Contractors’ perspective. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(03), 451-62.

Salah, M, Elbeltagi, E and Elsheikh, A (2024) Optimization of construction site layout using BIM generative design. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(03), 314–22.

Sharma, R K and Bakshi, A (2019) An evident prescience of determinants of dividend policy of Indian real estate companies. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 24(03), 358–84.

Tam, V W Y, Tam, C M, Shen, L Y, Zeng, S X and Ho, C M (2006) Environmental performance assessment: perceptions of project managers on the relationship between operational and environmental performance indicators. Construction Management and Economics, 24(03), 287-99.

Tavakolan, M, Chokan, F and Dadashi Haji, M (2024) Simultaneous project portfolio selection and scheduling from contractor perspective. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(03), 298–313.

Tezel, A and Aziz, Z (2017) Visual management in highways construction and maintenance in England. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(03), 486-513.

Wijeratne, P U, Gunarathna, C, Yang, R J, Wu, P, Hampson, K and Shemery, A (2024) BIM enabler for facilities management: A review of 33 cases. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(03), 251–60.

Yu, W-D (2006) PIREM: a new model for conceptual cost estimation. Construction Management and Economics, 24(03), 259–70.

Zahoor, H, Chan, A P C, Gao, R and Utama, W P (2017) The factors contributing to construction accidents in Pakistan: Their prioritization using the Delphi technique. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(03), 463-85.