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Adesi, M, Murphy, R and Kehily, D (2018) The role of digitisation in the strategic planning process of Irish quantity surveying practices. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 250–259.
Adjei, S D, Ankrah, N A, Ndekugri, I and Searle, D (2018) Sustainable construction and demolition waste management: Comparison of corporate and project level drivers. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 99–108.
Atuahene, B T, Kanjanabootra, S and Gajendran, T (2018) Towards an integrated framework of big data capabilities in the construction industry: A systematic literature review. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 547–556.
Azzouz, A, Hill, P and Papadonikolaki, E (2018) Digital Innovation in Europe: Regional Differences across One International Firm. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 240–249.
Bakhtawar, B, Thaheem, M J, Arshad, H and Qadeer, A (2018) How to Embrace the Stakeholder in Public Private Partnership Decision-Making? A Theoretical Discourse. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 373–382.
Bengtsson, S H and Rosander, L (2018) Public clients' possibilities to initiate sustainable change: exploring two Swedish clients' procurement strategies. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 424–434.
Bowen, P, Govender, R and Edwards, P (2018) Determinants of AIDs Knowledge among Construction Workers. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 281–290.
Boyd, D and Fellowes, J (2018) The Problem of Evaluating 'Value for Money' of School Building Programmes. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 363–372.
Brooks, T, Ewuga, D, Scott, L and Spillane, J (2018) The Impact of Brexit on Cross-Border Trade by the Construction Sector in Ireland: An Exploratory Study. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 109–118.
Bugg, R, Collins, W and Gilbert, C (2018) Applying Radio Frequency Identification Tags to Improve Personnel Safety in Dredging Construction. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 557–566.
Buser, M and Bosch-Sijtsema, P (2018) Attributing Value to Waste: the Difficult Road to Efficient Waste Management for Renovation Projects. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 119–128.
Chandrasiri, A P and Geekiyanage, D (2018) Real-Time Object Detection System for Building Energy Conservation: An IP Camera Based System. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 567–576.
Cieraad, F D, Schraven, D F J and de Bruijne, M L C (2018) Investments under Pressure: A Real Options Approach to Prepare for Emergency Asylum Shelter in a Multi Actor Setting. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 129–138.
Conway, Z, Wade, F and Smith, S D (2018) A Participant Observation Study of Gender Dynamics on Construction Sites. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 291–300.
Curran, M, Spillane, J and Clarke-Hagan, D (2018) External Stakeholders in Urban Construction Development Projects: Who Are They and How Are They Engaged?. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 139–148.
Daniel, E I, Oshineye, O and Oshodi, O (2018) Barriers to Sustainable Construction Practice in Nigeria. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 149–158.
Denny-Smith, G and Loosemore, M (2018) Cultural Counterfactuals: Assessing the Impact of Indigenous Social Procurement in Australia. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 435–444.
Dewberry, C, Hayes, A and Sarhan, S (2018) Behavioural Assessments in Construction Procurement: A Bandwagon of Institutional Waste? . In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 159–168.
Duman, D U and Green, S D (2018) Strategizing as Identity Work: Creating Heroes in International Contracting. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 577–586.
Ekanayake, B J, YSandanayake, Y and Ramachandra, T (2018) Application of Value Management to Refurbishment Projects: A Sri Lankan Case Study. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 597–606.
Emuze, F (2018) Foreseeing Countermeasures for Construction Safety Violations in South Africa. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 587–596.
Farrow, C B and Burt, R (2018) High Impact Educational Practices in Construction Education: An Evaluation of Student Involvement and Perceived Value. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 607–616.
Fredslund, L M and Gottlieb, S C (2018) Engaging the Construction Supply Chain: A Pluralistic Perspective. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 352–361.
Gangatheepan, S, Thurairajah, N and Lees, L (2018) From Information Transmission to Engagement in Practice: A Study on BIM Enabled Construction Projects. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 260–269.
Geekiyanage, D, Ramachandra, T and Thurairajah, N (2018) A Model for Early Stage Estimation of Operational Expenses (OPEX) in Commercial Buildings. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 617–626.
Gjerde, M (2018) Managing New Zealand Urban Streetscape Design: Understanding People's Preferences. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 169–178.
Gledson, B, Williams, D and Littlemore, M (2018) Construction Planning Efficiency and Delivery Time Performance: Analysing Failure in Task-Level 'Hit Rates'. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 627–636.
Gottlieb, S C, Frederiksen, N, Koch, C and Thuesen, C (2018) Institutional Logics and Hybrid Organizing in Public-Private Partnerships . In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 383–392.
Grosse, E (2018) A Gestalt Perspective on Co-Creation: Action Research in Architectural Practice. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 68–77.
Grosse, H (2018) Conflicts and Alternative Solutions: How Hostilities Obstruct Alternative Solutions. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 637–646.
Guerrero, J R and Lindblad, H (2018) Client Strategies for Stimulating Innovation in Construction. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 485–494.
Hartwell, J (2018) Construction Organisation Structure and Innovation Adoption. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 647–656.
Hoseini, E, Bosch-Rekveldt, M and Hertogh, M (2018) Risk Management Maturity of Construction Projects in the Netherlands. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 657–666.
Huang, K, Jia, G, Liu, D and Ma, Y (2018) The Transformation Mechanism of Work-Related Stress into Unsafe Behaviour in Construction Industry: Based on DEA Method. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 301–310.
Kavishe, N and Chileshe, N (2018) Motivational Factors for Adoption of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Housing Projects in Tanzania: A Qualitative Study. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 445–454.
Klitgaard, A, Beck, F and Buhl, H (2018) Facilitation of Interorganizational Teams: An Exploratory Literature Review. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 78–87.
Koch-Ørvad, N, Thuesen, C, Koch, C and Berker, T (2018) Murmuration as Metaphor for Sustainable Innovation Processes. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 179–188.
Koch, C (2018) Productivity Measurement: The Social Construction of Reduction through Expansion. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 677–686.
Koch, C and Larsen, A (2018) Performance of Retrofit with ICT of Social Housing – Proving Technology Optimists Wrong?. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 667–676.
Koch, C, Hansen G H and Jacobsen, K (2018) Information Standards: A Hinder or an Enabler for Innovation?. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 27–36.
Kuitert, L, Volker, L and Hermans, M (2018) The Impact of Shifting Values on the Role and Responsibilities of the Construction Client in Delivering Public Goods. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 455–464.
Löwstedt, M and Räisänen, C (2018) CEOs Narrating Leadership: Constant Gardeners, Team Players, Actionable Pragmatists and Business Directors. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 687–696.
Le, A T H, Domingo, N, Rasheed, E and Park, K S (2018) Building Maintenance Cost Planning and Estimating: A Literature Review. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 697–706.
Lennartsson, M and Bäckstrand, J (2018) Getting the Most Out of a Collaborative Research Project: Cross Industry Design for a Holistic View and Increased Learning. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 526–535.
Lindblad, H and Gustavsson, T K (2018) Project Managers as Involuntary Policy Implementers? The Case of Implementing BIM. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 465–474.
McErlane, A, Haran, M, McClements, S and McCord, J (2018) Modelling the Drivers for Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) Provision of United Kingdom (UK) Social Infrastructure. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 393–402.
Noruwa, B, Merschbrock, C, Arewa, A O and Agyekum-Mensah, G (2018) Institutional Foundations of Construction ICT: A View from the West Midlands of England. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 37–46.
O’Riain, E, Spillane, J and Sherratt, F (2018) Healthy, Happy Workers? The Consequences of Commuting Between Northern Ireland and Great Britain. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 311–320.
Ogbeifun, E, Mbohwa, C and Pretorius, J H C (2018) Fragmentation of Capital Development Projects: A Tool for Job Creation and Skill Development. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 707–716.
Oliver, A and Smith, S D (2018) Perceptions of Sustainability in Domestic Housing: How Do Those Who Must Deliver It Understand It?. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 189–198.
Opoku, A and Ibrahim-Adam, R (2018) Early Contractor Involvement in Government Construction Projects in Ghana. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 199–208.
Orstavik, F (2018) Negotiating and Knowing Built Quality. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 717–726.
Osaily, Y, Copping, A and Lo, S (2018) Critical Success Factors: The Development of a Conceptual Framework for Demolition Projects. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 209–218.
Oyemomi, B, Hare, B and Tong, M (2018) Exploring Public-Private Partnership Challenges and the Effects on the Construction Workforce: A Scotland Study. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 403–412.
Pinfold, L (2018) Coupling Innovative Technology, Space Management and BIM Processes with Smart City Management: Congested Construction Sites in Urban Centres in Cape Town South Africa. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 727–735.
Ponton, H, Osbourne, A, Greenwood, G and Thompson, N (2018) Understanding the Dynamics of Construction Design Team Meetings through Joint Laughter. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 88–97.
Potemans, A, Volker, L and Hermans, M (2018) From Agents to Stewards? Experiences from a Dutch Infrastructure Case Study. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 475–484.
Powell, A, Galea, N, Salignac, F, Loosemore, M and Chappell, L (2018) Masculinity and Workplace Wellbeing in the Australian Construction Industry. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 321–330.
Raiden, A and Räisänen, C (2018) Conceptualising Behavioural Ambidexterity and the Effects on Individual Well-Being. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 736–745.
Razak, D S A, Mills, G and Roberts, A (2018) How Do Infrastructure Owners Build Capabilities to Reduce Operational Failure? . In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 746–755.
Rodger, D, Callaghan, N and Thomson, C (2018) Are Retrofitted Social Houses Sufficiently Reflecting the Holistic Health and Wellbeing Requirements of Older People?. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 219–228.
Scott-Young, C M, Turner, M and Holdsworth, S (2018) Fit for Work? Comparative Mental Health of Built Environment Undergraduates. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 331–340.
Scott, L and Kanjanabootra, S (2018) The Acquisition of Knowledge and Expertise in Construction: Understanding Construction Professionals. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 536–545.
Seriki, O and Murphy, R (2018) A Comparative Analysis of Key Elements of the Strategic Decision-Making Process across Construction Professional Services Firms: Evidence from the Irish Construction Industry. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 229–238.
Sherratt, F and Sherratt, S (2018) PPP Problems: Challenging Academic Compliance with Economic Opportunism and Exploitation. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 413–422.
Simpeh, E and Smallwood, J (2018) Field Diagnosis of Challenges and Facilitators to the Adoption of Green Building Principles in Multi-Purpose Office Facilities. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 756–765.
Singh, S, Chinyio, E and Suresh, S (2018) The Implementation of Stakeholder Management and Building Information Modelling (BIM) in UK Construction Projects. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 766–775.
Stojanovic, V, Trapp, M, Richter, R, Hagedorn,B and Döllner, J (2018) Towards the Generation of Digital Twins for Facility Management Based on 3D Point Clouds. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 270–279.
Swai, L L P and Arewa, A O (2018) Potentiality of Emerging Technologies to Minimise Late-Payments Quandary in Construction . In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 47–56.
Tansey, P and Spillane, J (2018) Vistas of Strategy-Making within Northern Ireland Construction Firms: How SME's Differ from Large Firms. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 776–785.
Troje, D (2018) Rhetorical Strategies to Diffuse Social Procurement in Construction. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 505–514.
Tryggestad, K, Hugosson, M and Søberg, P (2018) Managing Risk and Uncertainty in Sustainable Construction Innovation: The Role of the Partnering Contract. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 495–504.
Udomdech, P, Papadonikolaki, E and Davies, A (2018) An alternative project-based learning model for building information modelling using teams. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 57–66.
Urquhart, S and Whyte, A (2018) Impact of contractor internal tendering procedure governance on tender win-rates: How procedures can be improved. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 786–795.
Velikova, M, Baker, H and Smith, S D (2018) The meaning of failure: Establishing a taxonomy of failure in the construction industry to improve organisational learning. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 16–25.
Volker, L, Eriksson, P E, Kadefors, A and Larsson, J (2018) A case-based comparison of the efficiency and innovation potential of integrative and collaborative procurement strategies. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 515–524.
Wang, H, Meng, X and McGetrick, P J (2018) Incorporating knowledge of construction and facility management into the design in the BIM environment. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 796–805.
Yoon, J, Yu, I and Jung, D (2018) Factors needed for the development of a constructability assessment model for building renovation and extension in Korea. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 806–814.
Zafar, J and Chileshe, N (2018) Analysis of health and well-being practices among older construction site-based workers in South Australia. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 341–350.
Zulkifli, A R, Ibrahim, C K I C and Belayutham, S (2018) Activation trigger for organisational BIM learning: Views from Malaysian construction stakeholders. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, C J (Eds.), Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 815–824.