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Alexandrou, K, Thravalou, S and Artopoulos, G (2024) Heritage-BIM for energy simulation: a data exchange method for improved interoperability. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 373–86.
Boissonneault, A and Peters, T (2024) An exploration of post-occupancy evaluation in Canada: origins, milestones and next steps. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 332–57.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: Post-occupancy evaluation; building performance; buildings in use; building performance evaluation; Canada;
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2023.2192905
- Abstract:
Several histories by prominent researchers in the field locate Canada among the early adopters and entrepreneurs of post-occupancy evaluation (‘POE’). Despite its reputation for being in use in Canada, POE has lived comfortably on the margins of the Canadian building industry for decades, taking a backseat to more prescriptive and prognostic approaches to building performance and design quality. This paper provides a semi-systematic review and content analysis of POE as it appears today in Canadian research, policy, practice and education. Results are presented in two parts. The first part details the untold history of POE in Canada, its origins and milestone contributions, and current directions. The second part summarizes results from the literature search and discusses relevant findings. Findings show siloed efforts in POE continue to be the primary barrier to the mainstreaming of POE in Canada. Canada is, however, making headway in post-occupancy verification programmes and these programmes have the potential to pave the way for POE as an industry best-practice. The paper concludes with several recommendations to advance POE efforts, including establishing pan-Canadian performance indicators, building bridges between sectors and continuing to normalize data collection and sharing.
Dartevelle, O, van Moeseke, G, Masy, G, Mlecnik, E and Altomonte, S (2024) On the effectiveness of passive controls for summer thermal comfort in highly insulated dwellings. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 311–31.
Farahani, A V, kravchenko, I, Jokisalo, J, Korhonen, N, Jylhä, K and Kosonen, R (2024) Overheating assessment for apartments during average and hot summers in the Nordic climate. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 273–91.
Mitkees, L, Heidarinejad, M, Sabatino, M and Stephens, B (2024) Occupant thermal comfort and indoor environmental conditions in Mies van der Rohe’s S. R. Crown Hall. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 249–72.
Poma, E, Palma, D, Molina, M and Graf, F (2024) The kindergarten of Crosara by Sergio Los: reassessing a pioneering thermally efficient building. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 358–72.
Ribeiro, C, Pereira, P F, Ramos, N M M, Flores-Colen, I and Valentim, N (2024) Assessment of the impacts of balconies on indoor environmental quality in mild climate conditions, Portugal. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 292–310.