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Alexandrou, K, Thravalou, S and Artopoulos, G (2024) Heritage-BIM for energy simulation: a data exchange method for improved interoperability. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 373–86.
Boissonneault, A and Peters, T (2024) An exploration of post-occupancy evaluation in Canada: origins, milestones and next steps. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 332–57.
Dartevelle, O, van Moeseke, G, Masy, G, Mlecnik, E and Altomonte, S (2024) On the effectiveness of passive controls for summer thermal comfort in highly insulated dwellings. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 311–31.
Farahani, A V, kravchenko, I, Jokisalo, J, Korhonen, N, Jylhä, K and Kosonen, R (2024) Overheating assessment for apartments during average and hot summers in the Nordic climate. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 273–91.
Mitkees, L, Heidarinejad, M, Sabatino, M and Stephens, B (2024) Occupant thermal comfort and indoor environmental conditions in Mies van der Rohe’s S. R. Crown Hall. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 249–72.
Poma, E, Palma, D, Molina, M and Graf, F (2024) The kindergarten of Crosara by Sergio Los: reassessing a pioneering thermally efficient building. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 358–72.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: Energy use in buildings; simulation tools; heating demands analysis; sustainable architecture; thermal comfort; Sergio Los;
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2023.2227905
- Abstract:
Given the environmental and energy crises, European directives are targeting building energy efficiency. Architects must improve the thermal performance of their designs to approach Nearly-Zero Energy Building (NZEB) standards. Energy-efficient experimental buildings from the 1970s are often held up as inspiring examples of energy-conscious architectural design. However, the lack of quantitative data about their thermal performance, measured using current evaluation standards and units, makes their legacy difficult to interpret today. This study aims to verify the relevance of 1970s energy-efficient architecture by quantifying the thermal performance of an exemplary case: the kindergarten designed by Sergio Los in Crosara (Italy). The thermal performance of the building in its original configuration is re-assessed using energy simulation software and discussed relative to past and present standards, including carbon emissions. The results quantify the contributions of different energy-conscious strategies and show that the building’s pioneering performance results primarily from the architect’s bioclimatic design decisions. The study demonstrates how architects reduced building energy demands in the 1970s and explores the impact of their strategies relative to contemporary efficiency priorities.
Ribeiro, C, Pereira, P F, Ramos, N M M, Flores-Colen, I and Valentim, N (2024) Assessment of the impacts of balconies on indoor environmental quality in mild climate conditions, Portugal. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 292–310.