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Alexandrou, K, Thravalou, S and Artopoulos, G (2024) Heritage-BIM for energy simulation: a data exchange method for improved interoperability. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 373–86.
Boissonneault, A and Peters, T (2024) An exploration of post-occupancy evaluation in Canada: origins, milestones and next steps. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 332–57.
Dartevelle, O, van Moeseke, G, Masy, G, Mlecnik, E and Altomonte, S (2024) On the effectiveness of passive controls for summer thermal comfort in highly insulated dwellings. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 311–31.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: Solar shading; ventilative cooling; passive strategies; summer thermal comfort; overheating; highly insulated buildings;
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2023.2238852
- Abstract:
Among environmental controls, solar shading and ventilative cooling are widely considered as key passive strategies for limiting the overheating risks in buildings. While their application is encouraged through Energy Performance of Buildings Directive regulations, several studies have shown that summer thermal comfort in heating-dominate temperate climates still requires deeper investigation, particularly in low-energy residential buildings. Based on qualitative and quantitative data collected through surveys and monitoring in 147 highly insulated houses in Wallonia (Belgium), this paper gives an overview of the implemented passive strategies and discusses their effectiveness. Statistical tests are conducted to evaluate their impact on both perceived and measured indoor conditions. In general, the results highlight a limited impact of the implemented strategies, questioning their proper operation. Operational modes for environmental controls thus appear crucial, and should better respond to occupants’ needs, preferences and control opportunities. At a more general level, the study calls for a better understanding of the barriers inhibiting successful integration and operation of environmental controls, in order to effectively reduce overheating risks in residential buildings and limit future diffusion of active cooling systems with their induced environmental impacts.
Farahani, A V, kravchenko, I, Jokisalo, J, Korhonen, N, Jylhä, K and Kosonen, R (2024) Overheating assessment for apartments during average and hot summers in the Nordic climate. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 273–91.
Mitkees, L, Heidarinejad, M, Sabatino, M and Stephens, B (2024) Occupant thermal comfort and indoor environmental conditions in Mies van der Rohe’s S. R. Crown Hall. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 249–72.
Poma, E, Palma, D, Molina, M and Graf, F (2024) The kindergarten of Crosara by Sergio Los: reassessing a pioneering thermally efficient building. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 358–72.
Ribeiro, C, Pereira, P F, Ramos, N M M, Flores-Colen, I and Valentim, N (2024) Assessment of the impacts of balconies on indoor environmental quality in mild climate conditions, Portugal. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 292–310.