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Alexandrou, K, Thravalou, S and Artopoulos, G (2024) Heritage-BIM for energy simulation: a data exchange method for improved interoperability. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 373–86.
Boissonneault, A and Peters, T (2024) An exploration of post-occupancy evaluation in Canada: origins, milestones and next steps. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 332–57.
Dartevelle, O, van Moeseke, G, Masy, G, Mlecnik, E and Altomonte, S (2024) On the effectiveness of passive controls for summer thermal comfort in highly insulated dwellings. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 311–31.
Farahani, A V, kravchenko, I, Jokisalo, J, Korhonen, N, Jylhä, K and Kosonen, R (2024) Overheating assessment for apartments during average and hot summers in the Nordic climate. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 273–91.
Mitkees, L, Heidarinejad, M, Sabatino, M and Stephens, B (2024) Occupant thermal comfort and indoor environmental conditions in Mies van der Rohe’s S. R. Crown Hall. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 249–72.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: Occupant thermal comfort; modern movement; modern architecture; modern heritage; Mies van der Rohe; indoor environment;
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2023.2232899
- Abstract:
There is little empirical data in the published literature on occupant thermal comfort in buildings from the Modern Movement in architecture. We present a field survey of occupant thermal comfort and indoor environmental conditions in Mies van der Rohe’s modern S. R. Crown Hall (1956) on the campus of Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, IL. Surveys were deployed to 557 student participants on four separate days, including two days in the cooling season and two days in the heating season, to assess their perceptions of thermal comfort throughout the space. Indoor air temperature, relative humidity and mean radiant temperature were measured concurrently in several locations throughout the space. Occupants reported high levels of dissatisfaction with comfort in the space (percent dissatisfied ranging 37%–54%), with somewhat counterintuitive results for this building type. Overcooling was apparent during warm weather and a combination of both over- and under-heating occurred during cold weather, contrary to what was expected in this building with a high thermal transmittance enclosure. There was also high spatial variability in comfort responses and measured indoor environmental conditions. Findings highlight the need to develop contextual approaches to meeting occupant comfort needs in this building while preserving architectural aesthetics/intent.
Poma, E, Palma, D, Molina, M and Graf, F (2024) The kindergarten of Crosara by Sergio Los: reassessing a pioneering thermally efficient building. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 358–72.
Ribeiro, C, Pereira, P F, Ramos, N M M, Flores-Colen, I and Valentim, N (2024) Assessment of the impacts of balconies on indoor environmental quality in mild climate conditions, Portugal. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 292–310.