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Alexandrou, K, Thravalou, S and Artopoulos, G (2024) Heritage-BIM for energy simulation: a data exchange method for improved interoperability. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 373–86.
Boissonneault, A and Peters, T (2024) An exploration of post-occupancy evaluation in Canada: origins, milestones and next steps. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 332–57.
Dartevelle, O, van Moeseke, G, Masy, G, Mlecnik, E and Altomonte, S (2024) On the effectiveness of passive controls for summer thermal comfort in highly insulated dwellings. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 311–31.
Farahani, A V, kravchenko, I, Jokisalo, J, Korhonen, N, Jylhä, K and Kosonen, R (2024) Overheating assessment for apartments during average and hot summers in the Nordic climate. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 273–91.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: Overheating risk; hot summer; apartment buildings; field study; climate change; heatwave;
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2023.2253338
- Abstract:
Amidst rising ambient temperatures and frequent heatwaves, assessing summer indoor overheating is crucial. This study examined overheating in over 6000 apartments to show the temporal aspects of indoor overheating during the hot summer of 2021 compared to the average summer of 2020 in the Helsinki region of Finland, with additional consideration of the apartments’ design year, size, and number of rooms. Data analysis was conducted employing ANOVA and post hoc tests to assess the impact of apartment characteristics on overheating. Finnish building codes and health-related regulations defined three temperature thresholds to determine overheating: 27°C, 30°C, and 32°C. The findings indicated that during the summer of 2020, 76%, 8%, and 1% of apartments exceeded 27°C, 30°C, and 32°C, respectively. In the hot summer of 2021, these proportions increased significantly to 96%, 32%, and 4%. The average number of degree hours above 27°C in 2021 was three times higher than in 2020. While nighttime temperatures were slightly lower, there was a considerable number of degree hours above 27°C. Smaller apartments exhibited a higher risk of overheating. Those constructed after 2012 demonstrated lower overheating risks during the hot summer.
Mitkees, L, Heidarinejad, M, Sabatino, M and Stephens, B (2024) Occupant thermal comfort and indoor environmental conditions in Mies van der Rohe’s S. R. Crown Hall. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 249–72.
Poma, E, Palma, D, Molina, M and Graf, F (2024) The kindergarten of Crosara by Sergio Los: reassessing a pioneering thermally efficient building. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 358–72.
Ribeiro, C, Pereira, P F, Ramos, N M M, Flores-Colen, I and Valentim, N (2024) Assessment of the impacts of balconies on indoor environmental quality in mild climate conditions, Portugal. Building Research & Information, 52(03), 292–310.