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Borge, L and Hopland, A O (2023) Fiscal and political determinants of local government maintenance. Building Research & Information, 51(08), 937–48.
Kalantari, S, Cruz-Garza, J, Xu, T B, Mostafavi, A and Gao, E (2023) Store layout design and consumer response: a behavioural and EEG study. Building Research & Information, 51(08), 897–914.
Li, S and Liu, M (2023) Reasonable kitchen space for urban residences: based on an investigation in Beijing. Building Research & Information, 51(08), 881–96.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: Kitchen in urban residence; kitchen area; design indices; characteristics of residents;
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2023.2187749
- Abstract:
Undersized space in kitchens remains a widespread and enduring problem in urban residences in China. However, no consensus exists on the area a satisfactory kitchen should take up and the causes of an undersized kitchen are still not sufficiently understood. This study examined reasonable spatial indices for kitchen design from the perspective of user satisfaction, based on 80 kitchens selected from multi-family residences in Beijing, People’s Republic of China. Data were collected using on-site measurement and face-to-face questionnaires, including spatial features, household structure, cooking habits, possession of appliances and residents’ binary judgement about the kitchen area. Factors associated with residents’ kitchen area perception were explored using correlation analysis, while the reasonable design indices were proposed by scatter diagram analysis. This study confirmed the influence of floor space and width of the kitchen and recommends 5.11–6.10 m2 and 1.71–2.00 m as a reasonable scope for the respective dimensions. It also demonstrates that the area requirement increased in families with higher cooking frequency and decreased in youthful households and suggests that the accommodation of the refrigerator and large appliances should be considered in kitchen area allocation.
Matos, R, Rodrigues, H, Costa, A, Requejo, C and Rodrigues, F (2023) Facility manager perspectives on building condition assessment for Portuguese higher education institutions. Building Research & Information, 51(08), 949–64.
Mergel, C, Decker, T and Menrad, K (2023) Affinity towards flexible housing – a study among homeowners in Germany. Building Research & Information, 51(08), 871–80.
Troje, D (2023) Path dependencies and sustainable facilities management: a study of housing companies in Sweden. Building Research & Information, 51(08), 965–78.
Yuan, X, Pan, H and Fu, B (2023) Models and analysis of stadium and commercial space integration: a case study from China. Building Research & Information, 51(08), 915–36.