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He, Q, Wu, Z, Li, S, Li, H and Wang, Y (2023) Two decades of the evolution of China’s green building policy: insights from text mining. Building Research & Information, 51(02), 158–78.
Hu, M (2023) An evaluation of the retrofit net zero building performances: life cycle energy, emissions and cost. Building Research & Information, 51(02), 179–91.
Lin, C, Chiang, W, Weng, Y and Wu, H (2023) Assessing the anthropogenic carbon emission of wooden construction: an LCA study. Building Research & Information, 51(02), 138–57.
New, K, Tyler, A, Friday, A, Hazas, M and Gormally, A (2023) Space temperature policy towards net-zero: recommendations from a systematic review of UK HEI heating policies. Building Research & Information, 51(02), 223–39.
Pelé-Peltier, A, Charef, R and Morel, J (2023) Factors affecting the use of earth material in mainstream construction: a critical review. Building Research & Information, 51(02), 119–37.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: Earth construction; barriers; drivers; low-carbon materials; alternative materials; architecture;
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2022.2070719
- Abstract:
To tackle climate change and resource depletion, the construction industry has to shift to more sustainable developments. For which, as a low-embodied carbon construction material, earth represents an opportunity. However, earth material is still barely used in mainstream construction. This paper aims to assess what are the current knowledge about factors (barriers and opportunities) affecting the use of earthen architecture through a systematic search and review of the literature. The analysis of the data was conducted by classifying the factors into five categories, economical, organizational, political, social, and technical. The results differ, depending on the context, high/low-income country and stabilized/unstabilized earth. The data is analysed, breaking down some drivers, barriers and opportunities. Results show there is a lack of literature in the field. The paper also provides key parameters to consider for future research to promote earthen construction and to fill the knowledge gap. Additionally, two main new areas of research should be developed, (i) to design appropriate training supports for the education of all the stakeholders, (ii) to clarify how earthen architecture is related to the circular economy and how it can help to preserve natural resources and foster the shift to a circular economy of the construction industry.
van der Bent, H S, van den Brom, P I, Visscher, H J, Meijer, A and Mouter, N (2023) The energy performance of dwellings with heat pumps of Dutch non-profit housing associations. Building Research & Information, 51(02), 192–202.
Van Hove, M Y C, Deurinck, M, Lameire, W, Laverge, J, Janssens, A and Delghust, M (2023) Large-scale statistical analysis and modelling of real and regulatory total energy use in existing single-family houses in Flanders. Building Research & Information, 51(02), 203–22.