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Bao, Z, Laovisutthichai, V, Tan, T, Wang, Q and Lu, W (2022) Design for manufacture and assembly (DfMA) enablers for offsite interior design and construction. Building Research & Information, 50(03), 325–38.
Camrass, K (2022) Urban regenerative thinking and practice: a systematic literature review. Building Research & Information, 50(03), 339–50.
Christensen, P H, Robinson, S and Simons, R (2022) Institutional investor motivation, processes, and expectations for sustainable building investment. Building Research & Information, 50(03), 276–90.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: Sustainability; qualitative research; corporate strategies; office tenants; LEED; Energy Star;
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2021.1908878
- Abstract:
This paper examines strategic motivations, processes and expectations for institutional real estate owners around sustainable improvements and eco-labelling in office buildings. A series of 33 industry interviews with senior representatives of institutional real estate owners (e.g. REITs, Pension Funds, Opportunity Funds, and Investment Managers) were conducted to explore three key research questions. First, what motivates firms to invest in and move towards green technologies and certifications? Second, how do firms choose to implement, manage and maintain green investments and eco-labels? Third, what, if any, are the financial expectations of investing in green labelling and efficiencies? Results from the constant comparison analysis of the transcripts reveal that expected financial outcomes dominate environmental, broader sustainability and governance concerns when making decisions related to sustainability. The perceived value in eco-labelling was found to be widespread. Data collection and benchmarking related to energy and water usage were found to be the new norm for institutional managers and investors. In addition, a range of localized and firm-level policies was identified. A rigorous interview protocol was followed to reduce threats to reliability and validity.
Jiang, H and Payne, S (2022) Examining regime complexity in China's green housing transition: a housing developers’ perspective. Building Research & Information, 50(03), 291–307.
Saez Ujaque, D, Fuertes Perez, P, Garcia Almirall, M P and de Balanzó Joue, R (2022) Embedded resilience in the built stock. Lessons from socio-spatial interpretation. The case of CanFugarolas (Mataro-Barcelona). Building Research & Information, 50(03), 351–68.
Sarran, L, Lex, S W and Wærsted, E H (2022) Comfort and technical installations in Danish low-energy homes: reconnecting design intention and domestic perceptions. Building Research & Information, 50(03), 308–24.
Wiegand, E and Ramage, M (2022) The impact of policy instruments on the first generation of Tall Wood Buildings. Building Research & Information, 50(03), 255–75.