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Agee, P, Gao, X, Paige, F, McCoy, A and Kleiner, B (2021) A human-centred approach to smart housing. Building Research & Information, 49(01), 84–99.
Erişen, S (2021) Incremental transformation of spatial intelligence from smart systems to sensorial infrastructures. Building Research & Information, 49(01), 113–26.
Fettermann, D C, Borriello, A, Pellegrini, A, Cavalcante, C G, Rose, J M and Burke, P F (2021) Getting smarter about household energy: the who and what of demand for smart meters. Building Research & Information, 49(01), 100–12.
Fu, Y and Zhu, J (2021) Trusted data infrastructure for smart cities: a blockchain perspective. Building Research & Information, 49(01), 21–37.
Ihm, S, Lee, H, Lee, E and Park, Y (2021) A policy knowledge- and reasoning-based method for data-analytic city policymaking. Building Research & Information, 49(01), 38–54.
Kang, L, Liu, S, Zhang, H and Gong, D (2021) Person anomaly detection-based videos surveillance system in urban integrated pipe gallery. Building Research & Information, 49(01), 55–68.
Lee, Y L and Lee, Y (2021) Developing an autonomous psychological behaviour of virtual user to atypical architectural geometry. Building Research & Information, 49(01), 69–83.
Nuhu, B K, Aliyu, I, Adegboye, M A, Ryu, J K, Olaniyi, O M and Lim, C G (2021) Distributed network-based structural health monitoring expert system. Building Research & Information, 49(01), 144–59.
V E, S, Shin, C and Cho, Y (2021) Efficient energy consumption prediction model for a data analytic-enabled industry building in a smart city. Building Research & Information, 49(01), 127–43.
Valks, B, Arkesteijn, M H, Koutamanis, A and den Heijer, A C (2021) Towards a smart campus: supporting campus decisions with Internet of Things applications. Building Research & Information, 49(01), 1–20.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: Smart campus; Internet of Things; real estate management; use patterns; decision making;
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2020.1784702
- Abstract:
At universities worldwide, creating a ‘smart campus’ is gaining significance. This is a response to the increasingly dynamic use of the campus and the pressure on resources: energy, financial and human resources. The university community has become more mobile, student numbers more unpredictable and funding more uncertain. Consequently, campus strategies focus on resource efficiency and sharing space, requiring investment in management information to improve decision making. The Internet of Things (IoT) can help to provide big data about use patterns: by collecting real-time data on space utilization, users can make better use of current spaces and real estate managers can make better decisions about long-term demand. Furthermore, space utilisation data can be complemented with user feedback data and environmental variables, e.g. noise levels, luminance. In this research we identify the capabilities of existing IoT applications through a literature study. Literature also suggests that information from IoT applications is not utilized in organisational decision-making processes. Through four case studies we analyse these decision-making processes and identify the process-level requirements to make strategic decisions in campus management. Then we show how information from the IoT can be directly connected to these processes, thus providing a valuable addition of real-time data as input.