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Abdul Mujeebu, M and Ashraf, N (2020) Impact of location and deadband on energy performance of nano aerogel glazing for office building in Saudi Arabia. Building Research & Information, 48(06), 645–58.
Finegan, E, Kelly, G and O’Sullivan, G (2020) Comparative analysis of Passivhaus simulated and measured overheating frequency in a typical dwelling in Ireland. Building Research & Information, 48(06), 681–99.
Hu, M (2020) Life-cycle environmental assessment of energy-retrofit strategies on a campus scale. Building Research & Information, 48(06), 659–80.
Martinez-Soto, A and Jentsch, M F (2020) A transferable energy model for determining the future energy demand and its uncertainty in a country’s residential sector. Building Research & Information, 48(06), 587–612.
Mellado Mascaraque, M &, Castilla Pacual, F J, Oteiza, I and Aparicio Secanellas, S (2020) Hygrothermal assessment of a traditional earthen wall in a dry Mediterranean climate. Building Research & Information, 48(06), 632–44.
Mukhopadhyay, J (2020) Observations of energy consumption and IEQ in a ‘Tiny House’. Building Research & Information, 48(06), 613–31.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: Energy consumption; indoor air quality; thermal comfort; space usage;
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2019.1661765
- Abstract:
The ‘Tiny House’ is a class of residential construction with floor areas less than 400 ft2 (37.16 m2). The components of the Tiny House (TH) pose certain unique challenges in terms of maintaining appropriate indoor environmental quality and resultant energy consumption that have not been previously researched. Hence, the objectives of this research were to measure the impact of physical characteristics, such as building envelope and volume of a TH on the resultant indoor environmental quality and energy consumption. The intent is to identify the parameters responsible to ensure comfortable and healthy conditions in the TH. This paper presents an analysis of some of the first reported measurements of indoor environmental conditions and energy use in the TH in a cold climate. To accomplish this task, two THs built in Bozeman Montana were instrumented and monitored. Occupant logs were conducted to collect data for occupant related activities. The results obtained from this research contributed to the development of strategies for the construction and operation of building systems that are tailored to the unique configuration of the TH. In doing so, the study reassessed specifications that are currently available in building codes that may not be applicable to THs.