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Abdul Mujeebu, M and Ashraf, N (2020) Impact of location and deadband on energy performance of nano aerogel glazing for office building in Saudi Arabia. Building Research & Information, 48(06), 645–58.
Finegan, E, Kelly, G and O’Sullivan, G (2020) Comparative analysis of Passivhaus simulated and measured overheating frequency in a typical dwelling in Ireland. Building Research & Information, 48(06), 681–99.
Hu, M (2020) Life-cycle environmental assessment of energy-retrofit strategies on a campus scale. Building Research & Information, 48(06), 659–80.
Martinez-Soto, A and Jentsch, M F (2020) A transferable energy model for determining the future energy demand and its uncertainty in a country’s residential sector. Building Research & Information, 48(06), 587–612.
Mellado Mascaraque, M &, Castilla Pacual, F J, Oteiza, I and Aparicio Secanellas, S (2020) Hygrothermal assessment of a traditional earthen wall in a dry Mediterranean climate. Building Research & Information, 48(06), 632–44.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: Hygrothermal behaviour; rammed earth; sensors inside walls; thermal conductivity; thermal transmittance;
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2019.1709787
- Abstract:
In this paper, we define the hygrothermal properties of a rammed earth wall through experimental analysis, relating thermal parameters to moisture content. These tests were conducted in Campo de Criptana (Ciudad Real, Spain), and the wall examined in this study is a 70-cm-thick north-facing rammed earth wall that is part of an occupied traditional dwelling Ambient and surface temperature and humidity values were monitored, along with the temperature and humidity at several points inside the wall and the heat flux on both sides of the wall. We recorded the wall’s behaviour regarding ambient comfort conditions for one year and obtained transmittance and conductivity values. Results show that it is quite difficult to analyse the hygrothermal behaviour of a rammed earth wall throughout the year, since the properties of the wall vary enormously. We found that, to evaluate the thermal behaviour of the wall, it was not appropriate to consider the same conductivity value for whole sections of the wall, as this value varies according to moisture content (generally between 0.39 and 0.55 Wm−1 K−1): we propose seasonal values for conductivity. Finally, the hygrothermal stability that these structures provide to the spaces they enclose has been shown, especially during hot and dry periods.
Mukhopadhyay, J (2020) Observations of energy consumption and IEQ in a ‘Tiny House’. Building Research & Information, 48(06), 613–31.