Abstracts – Browse Results
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Abdul Mujeebu, M and Ashraf, N (2020) Impact of location and deadband on energy performance of nano aerogel glazing for office building in Saudi Arabia. Building Research & Information, 48(06), 645–58.
Finegan, E, Kelly, G and O’Sullivan, G (2020) Comparative analysis of Passivhaus simulated and measured overheating frequency in a typical dwelling in Ireland. Building Research & Information, 48(06), 681–99.
Hu, M (2020) Life-cycle environmental assessment of energy-retrofit strategies on a campus scale. Building Research & Information, 48(06), 659–80.
Martinez-Soto, A and Jentsch, M F (2020) A transferable energy model for determining the future energy demand and its uncertainty in a country’s residential sector. Building Research & Information, 48(06), 587–612.
Mellado Mascaraque, M &, Castilla Pacual, F J, Oteiza, I and Aparicio Secanellas, S (2020) Hygrothermal assessment of a traditional earthen wall in a dry Mediterranean climate. Building Research & Information, 48(06), 632–44.
Mukhopadhyay, J (2020) Observations of energy consumption and IEQ in a ‘Tiny House’. Building Research & Information, 48(06), 613–31.