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Adekunle, T O (2020) Occupants’ comfort and stress indices in a structural timber school building in the Northeast US in different seasons. Building Research & Information, 48(03), 331–48.
Bae, S, Asojo, A O and Martin, C S (2020) Impact of occupants’ demographics on indoor environmental quality satisfaction in the workplace. Building Research & Information, 48(03), 301–15.
Burnard, M D and Kutnar, A (2020) Human stress responses in office-like environments with wood furniture. Building Research & Information, 48(03), 316–30.
Chen, J C, Tsaih, L S and Li, Y (2020) Exploring views on communal amenities and well-being in housing for seniors in Taiwan. Building Research & Information, 48(03), 239–53.
Goodhew, S, Latour, J M, Duthie, J, Shirreff, H, Riddlestone, P, Metcalfe, J and Fox, M (2020) Hospital ward temperatures related to hypothermic risk in orthopaedic patients. Building Research & Information, 48(03), 286–300.
Higuera-Trujillo, J L, Llinares Millán, C, Montañana i Aviñó, A and Rojas, J (2020) Multisensory stress reduction: a neuro-architecture study of paediatric waiting rooms. Building Research & Information, 48(03), 269–85.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: Waiting room design; healthcare; stress reduction; multisensory stimulation; neuro-architecture;
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2019.1612228
- Abstract:
The implementation of environmental satisfaction sources in the design of a health centre is a means to achieve stress reduction. The present work analyses the effect that these sources have on the stress reduction of patients’ companions in a paediatric service. A two-phase study was carried out. During the first phase, 120 participants assessed 20 waiting rooms in situ in order to select the environmental sources with the greatest effect. During the second phase, the stress levels of 26 participants were measured in four simulated waiting rooms that combined the selected sources from the first phase. A multisensory simulation was carried out through a virtual reality experiment with visual, auditory and olfactory elements, and stress levels were measured at the psychological and neurophysiological levels. Results suggest that a combination of environmental satisfaction sources creates an important synergistic effect at the psychological and neurophysiological levels and underlines the importance of auditory and olfactory stimuli. Conclusions may be of interest to designers and managers of healthcare facilities.
Jellema, P, Annemans, M and Heylighen, A (2020) The roles of cancer care facilities in users’ well-being. Building Research & Information, 48(03), 254–68.