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Aragon, V, Gauthier, S, Warren, P, James, P A B and Anderson, B (2019) Developing English domestic occupancy profiles. Building Research & Information, 47(04), 375–93.
Chew, M Y L, Conejos, S and Azril, F H B (2019) Design for maintainability of high-rise vertical green facades. Building Research & Information, 47(04), 453–67.
de Wilde, M and Spaargaren, G (2019) Designing trust: how strategic intermediaries choreograph homeowners’ low-carbon retrofit experience. Building Research & Information, 47(04), 362–74.
Engelen, L, Chau, J, Young, S, Mackey, M, Jeyapalan, D and Bauman, A (2019) Is activity-based working impacting health, work performance and perceptions? A systematic review. Building Research & Information, 47(04), 468–79.
Gormley, M and Kelly, D A (2019) Pressure transient suppression in drainage systems of tall buildings. Building Research & Information, 47(04), 421–36.
Jeon, J, Lee, J and Ham, Y (2019) Quantifying the impact of building envelope condition on energy use. Building Research & Information, 47(04), 404–20.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: building envelope; building information modelling (BIM); building performance; buildings; performance gap; retrofit; simulation; thermal analysis;
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2018.1448959
- Abstract:
The gap between the architectural information and the as-is building condition has been known as one of the pivotal factors influencing deviations between actual and predicted building energy consumption. Despite such significance, quantifying the impact of deviated building information on energy use has not been fully investigated. This paper explores building information modelling (BIM)-driven experimental simulation to quantify the impact of building envelope condition on energy use, which can infer the impact of reflecting the as-is building conditions in as-designed BIMs on the reliability of energy analysis. First, BIM-driven energy simulations are conducted with varied thermo-physical properties of building envelope elements in gbXML-based BIMs under different climate conditions. Building upon the impacting factor for energy analysis (IFEA), the simulation results are then used to infer the impact of the deviated building condition on energy consumption. Through case studies, it is observed that the annual energy consumption of a residential building can deviate by 18–20%, whereas thermal resistances of exterior walls can deviate by 1 m2K/W. This paper validates quantitatively the potential benefits of reflecting the as-is building condition in BIM-based energy performance analysis. This provides practitioners with insights into how to improve the reliability of energy analysis of existing buildings.
Kurth, M H, Keenan, J M, Sasani, M and Linkov, I (2019) Defining resilience for the US building industry. Building Research & Information, 47(04), 480–92.
Meir, I A, Schwartz, M, Davara, Y and Garb, Y (2019) A window of one’s own: a public office post-occupancy evaluation. Building Research & Information, 47(04), 437–52.
Sweetnam, T, Fell, M, Oikonomou, E and Oreszczyn, T (2019) Domestic demand-side response with heat pumps: controls and tariffs. Building Research & Information, 47(04), 344–61.
Sweetnam, T, Spataru, C, Barrett, M and Carter, E (2019) Domestic demand-side response on district heating networks. Building Research & Information, 47(04), 330–43.
Tjørring, L and Gausset, Q (2019) Drivers for retrofit: a sociocultural approach to houses and inhabitants. Building Research & Information, 47(04), 394–403.