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Buchanan, K, Staddon, S and van der Horst, D (2018) Feedback in energy-demand reduction. Building Research & Information, 46(03), 231–7.
Bull, R and Janda, K B (2018) Beyond feedback: introducing the ‘engagement gap’ in organizational energy management. Building Research & Information, 46(03), 300–15.
Gupta, R, Barnfield, L and Gregg, M (2018) Exploring innovative community and household energy feedback approaches. Building Research & Information, 46(03), 284–99.
Hargreaves, T (2018) Beyond energy feedback. Building Research & Information, 46(03), 332–42.
Herrmann, M R, Brumby, D P, Oreszczyn, T and Gilbert, X M P (2018) Does data visualization affect users’ understanding of electricity consumption?. Building Research & Information, 46(03), 238–50.
Revell, K M A and Stanton, N A (2018) Mental model interface design: putting users in control of home heating. Building Research & Information, 46(03), 251–71.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: behaviour change; design; energy; energy conservation; feedback; mental models; occupants; space heating;
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2017.1377518
- Abstract:
Occupant behaviour is a key variable affecting the amount of energy used in homes. The understanding, interface and interaction with heating controls hold the potential to influence how heating is operated and, in turn, how much energy is consumed. A study is presented to test a series of hypotheses that the design of the home-heating interface can positively influence the achievement of home-heating goals, if it is specifically designed to communicate a user mental model (UMM) of how the system functions. This would encourage appropriate inhabitant behaviour. The experiment involved 20 pairs of participants matched by age, gender and home-heating experience. The participants were asked to attain a series of home-heating goals using an accelerated home-heating simulator. The impact of specific design features of a novel interface design was compared with an interface offering a traditional home-heating system experience. The evidence confirms that design features contributed to differences in UMMs, intentional behaviour and goal achievement. A mental model approach to design can be used as a means of putting users ‘in control’ of their heating system to enable them to fulfil their home-heating goals better.
Robison, R A V and Foulds, C (2018) Constructing policy success for UK energy feedback. Building Research & Information, 46(03), 316–31.
Spence, A, Goulden, M, Leygue, C, Banks, N, Bedwell, B, Jewell, M, Yang, R and Ferguson, E (2018) Digital energy visualizations in the workplace: the e-Genie tool. Building Research & Information, 46(03), 272–83.