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Farnham, C, Zhang, L, Yuan, J, Emura, K, Alam, A M and Mizuno, T (2017) Measurement of the evaporative cooling effect: oscillating misting fan. Building Research & Information, 45(07), 783–99.
Kingma, B, Schweiker, M, Wagner, A and van Marken Lichtenbelt, W D (2017) Exploring internal body heat balance to understand thermal sensation. Building Research & Information, 45(07), 808–18.
Nicol, F (2017) Temperature and adaptive comfort in heated, cooled and free-running dwellings. Building Research & Information, 45(07), 730–44.
Pallubinsky, H, Kingma, B R M, Schellen, L, Dautzenberg, B, van Baak, M A and van Marken Lichtenbelt, W D (2017) The effect of warmth acclimation on behaviour, thermophysiology and perception. Building Research & Information, 45(07), 800–7.
Rijal, H B, Humphreys, M A and Nicol, J F (2017) Towards an adaptive model for thermal comfort in Japanese offices. Building Research & Information, 45(07), 717–29.
Schweiker, M and Wagner, A (2017) Influences on the predictive performance of thermal sensation indices. Building Research & Information, 45(07), 745–58.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: adaptive comfort; commercial offices; field study; performance criteria; psychological adaptation; thermal comfort; thermal sensation; workplace design;
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2017.1256673
- Abstract:
Understanding humans’ perception of the thermal built environment is one of the prerequisites for designing satisfactory workplaces and related to their energy use. This paper compares the predictive performance of nine thermal comfort indices with respect to the population mean and individual votes together with the effect of false assumptions of metabolic rate, clothing level, and air velocity on this performance. In addition, the potential to customize the indices to the building level, e.g. by means of the coefficient for psychological adaptation, PSYCH, included in the adaptive thermal heat-balance (ATHB) model is analysed. The analysis of field data from two naturally ventilated and four mixed-mode office buildings showed that the ATHB indices outperform the other indices in terms of predicting thermal sensation. The effect of false assumption is larger for predicted mean vote (PMV)-based models compared with standard effective temperature (SET)-based models. In addition, customization revealed no clear distinction between naturally and mixed-mode buildings, which suggests that other factors are more influential. These results are discussed with respect to the potential of the ATHB approach to account for differences in building control characteristics and the way thermal comfort is addressed in related standards.
van Marken Lichtenbelt, W, Hanssen, M, Pallubinsky, H, Kingma, B and Schellen, L (2017) Healthy excursions outside the thermal comfort zone. Building Research & Information, 45(07), 819–27.
Vargas, G, Lawrence, R and Stevenson, F (2017) The role of lobbies: short-term thermal transitions. Building Research & Information, 45(07), 759–82.