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Conejos, S, Langston, C, Chan, E H W and Chew, M Y L (2016) Governance of heritage buildings: Australian regulatory barriers to adaptive reuse. Building Research & Information, 44(05), 507-19.
Drummond, P and Ekins, P (2016) Reducing CO2 emissions from residential energy use. Building Research & Information, 44(05), 585-603.
Eisenberg, D A (2016) Transforming building regulatory systems to address climate change. Building Research & Information, 44(05), 468-73.
Janda, K B, Bright, S, Patrick, J, Wilkinson, S and Dixon, T J (2016) The evolution of green leases: Towards inter-organizational environmental governance. Building Research & Information, 44(05), 660-74.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: tenants; landlord; energy performance; offices; non-domestic buildings; management strategies; green leases; retail; governance; performance; construction & building technology; intermediaries; building communities; programs; energy use; leases; susta
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2016.1142811
- Abstract:
Improving the environmental performance of non-domestic buildings is a complex and wicked' problem due to conflicting interests and incentives. This is particularly challenging in tenanted spaces, where landlord and tenant interactions are regulated through leases that traditionally ignore environmental considerations. Green leasing' is conceptualized as a form of middle-out' inter-organizational environmental governance that operates between organizations, alongside other drivers. This paper investigates how leases are evolving to become greener' in the UK and Australia, providing evidence from five varied sources on: (1) UK office and retail leases, (2) UK retail sector energy management, (3) a major UK retailer case study; (4) office leasing in Sydney, and (5) expert interviews on Australian retail leases. With some exceptions, the evidence reveals an increasing trend towards green leases in prime offices in both countries, but not in retail or sub-prime offices. Generally introduced by landlords, adopted green leases contain a variety of ambitions and levels of enforcement. As an evolving form of private-private environmental governance, green leases form a valuable framework for further tenant-landlord cooperation within properties and across portfolios. This increased cohesion could create new opportunities for polycentric governance, particularly at the interface of cities and the property industry.; Improving the environmental performance of non-domestic buildings is a complex and 'wicked' problem due to conflicting interests and incentives. This is particularly challenging in tenanted spaces, where landlord and tenant interactions are regulated through leases that traditionally ignore environmental considerations. 'Green leasing' is conceptualized as a form of 'middle-out' inter-organizational environmental governance that operates between organizations, alongside other drivers. This paper investigates how leases are evolving to become 'greener' in the UK and Australia, providing evidence from five varied sources on: (1) UK office and retail leases, (2) UK retail sector energy management, (3) a major UK retailer case study; (4) office leasing in Sydney, and (5) expert interviews on Australian retail leases. With some exceptions, the evidence reveals an increasing trend towards green leases in prime offices in both countries, but not in retail or sub-prime offices. Generally introduced by landlords, adopted green leases contain a variety of ambitions and levels of enforcement. As an evolving form of private-private environmental governance, green leases form a valuable framework for further tenant-landlord cooperation within properties and across portfolios. This increased cohesion could create new opportunities for polycentric governance, particularly at the interface of cities and the property industry.;Improving the environmental performance of non-domestic buildings is a complex and 'wicked' problem due to conflicting interests and incentives. This is particularly challenging in tenanted spaces, where landlord and tenant interactions are regulated through leases that traditionally ignore environmental considerations. 'Green leasing' is conceptualized as a form of 'middle-out' inter-organizational environmental governance that operates between organizations, alongside other drivers. This paper investigates how leases are evolving to become 'greener' in the UK and Australia, providing evidence from five varied sources on: (1) UK office and retail leases, (2) UK retail sector energy management, (3) a major UK retailer case study; (4) office leasing in Sydney, and (5) expert interviews on Australian retail leases. With some exceptions, the evidence reveals an increasing trend towards green leases in prime offices in both countries, but not in retail or sub-prime offices. Generally introduced by landlords, adopted green leases contain a variety of ambitions and levels of enforcement. As an evolving form of private-private environmental governance, green leases form a valuable framework for further tenant-l ndlord cooperation within properties and across portfolios. This increased cohesion could create new opportunities for polycentric governance, particularly at the interface of cities and the property industry.;
Karatas, A, Stoiko, A and Menassa, C C (2016) Framework for selecting occupancy-focused energy interventions in buildings. Building Research & Information, 44(05), 535-51.
Lord, S-F, Noye, S, Ure, J, Tennant, M G and Fisk, D J (2016) Comparative review of building commissioning regulation: A quality perspective. Building Research & Information, 44(05), 630-43.
Meacham, B J (2016) Sustainability and resiliency objectives in performance building regulations. Building Research & Information, 44(05), 474-89.
Mulville, M and Stravoravdis, S (2016) The impact of regulations on overheating risk in dwellings. Building Research & Information, 44(05), 520-34.
Nishida, Y, Hua, Y and Okamoto, N (2016) Alternative building emission-reduction measure: Outcomes from the Tokyo cap-and-trade program. Building Research & Information, 44(05), 644-59.
Qian, Q K, Fan, K and Chan, E H W (2016) Regulatory incentives for green buildings: Gross floor area concessions. Building Research & Information, 44(05), 675-93.
Rosenow, J, Fawcett, T, Eyre, N and Oikonomou, V (2016) Energy efficiency and the policy mix. Building Research & Information, 44(05), 562-74.
Sha, K and Wu, S (2016) Multilevel governance for building energy conservation in rural China. Building Research & Information, 44(05), 619-29.
Shapiro, S (2016) The realpolitik of building codes: Overcoming practical limitations to climate resilience. Building Research & Information, 44(05), 490-506.
Van der Heijden, J (2016) The new governance for low-carbon buildings: Mapping, exploring, interrogating. Building Research & Information, 44(05), 575-84.
Visscher, H, Meijer, F, Majcen, D and Itard, L (2016) Improved governance for energy efficiency in housing. Building Research & Information, 44(05), 552-61.
Zhang, J, Zhou, N, Hinge, A, Feng, W and Zhang, S (2016) Governance strategies to achieve zero-energy buildings in China. Building Research & Information, 44(05), 604-18.