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Alzoubi, Y, Locatelli, G and Sainati, T (2024) The ugly side of construction: modern slavery in the 2022 FIFA World Cup program. Construction Management and Economics, 42(05), 412–30.
Bridgeman, J and Loosemore, M (2024) Evaluating social procurement: a theoretically informed and methodologically robust social return on investment (SROI) analysis of a construction training initiative developed to reduce the risk of youth homelessness in Wales. Construction Management and Economics, 42(05), 387–411.
Chiu, L F, Lowe, R, Raslan, R, Altamirano-Medina, H and Wingfield, J (2014) A socio-technical approach to post-occupancy evaluation: interactive adaptability in domestic retrofit. Building Research & Information, 42(05), 574-90.
Dell’Anna, F, Berta, M, Bottero, M, Mallia, G and Morgese, V (2024) Multicriteria-decision support for master plan scheduling: urban regeneration of an industrial area in Northern Italy. Construction Management and Economics, 42(05), 476–501.
Forcada, N, Macarulla, M, Gangolells, M and Casals, M (2014) Assessment of construction defects in residential buildings in Spain. Building Research & Information, 42(05), 629-40.
Görsch, C, Seppänen, O, Peltokorpi, A and Lavikka, R (2024) Task planning and control in construction: revealing workers as early and late planners. Construction Management and Economics, 42(05), 431–50.
Hedayati, M, Iyer-Raniga, U and Crossin, E (2014) A greenhouse gas assessment of a stadium in Australia. Building Research & Information, 42(05), 602-15.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords:
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2014.896141
- Abstract:
A greenhouse gas (GHG) life cycle assessment (LCA) was performed on a stadium used for sporting events in a subtropical region in Australia. Inventories for the construction and operation of a stadium are presented and the GHG emissions from construction, operations and end-of-life waste management are assessed against the attendance of one person at one event. The inclusion of additional economic activities, patron travel, LCA methodology, attendance and stadium life-time assumptions are likely to affect the overall magnitude of the GHG emissions of one person's attendance. The assessment shows that the stadium operation accounted for 72.5% of GHG emissions, with the operation of baseload heating, ventilation and cooling, lighting and refrigeration systems dominating. The best opportunity to reduce GHG emissions is to reduce the need for the continual operation of these systems. Construction impacts account for 24.7% of impacts, while replacement materials, end-of-life management of materials are relatively insignificant, contributing to less than 3% of life cycle GHG emissions.
Hojem, T S M, Sørensen, K H and Lagesen, V A (2014) Designing a ‘green’ building: expanding ambitions through social learning. Building Research & Information, 42(05), 591-601.
Hu, Y and Dossick, C S (2024) Decoding the dynamics of BIM use practice in construction projects. Construction Management and Economics, 42(05), 451–75.
Pivo, G (2014) Unequal access to energy efficiency in US multifamily rental housing: opportunities to improve. Building Research & Information, 42(05), 551-73.
Sporrong, J and Kadefors, A (2014) Municipal consultancy procurement: new roles and practices. Building Research & Information, 42(05), 616-28.