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Ackerly, K and Brager, G (2013) Window signalling systems: control strategies and occupant behaviour. Building Research & Information, 41(03), 342-60.
Ahmed, M O and El-adaway, I H (2023) An integrated game-theoretic and reinforcement learning modeling for multi-stage construction and infrastructure bidding. Construction Management and Economics, 41(03), 183–207.
Atuahene, B T, Kanjanabootra, S and Gajendran, T (2023) Transformative role of big data through enabling capability recognition in construction. Construction Management and Economics, 41(03), 208–31.
Dallasega, P, Schulze, F and Revolti, A (2023) Augmented Reality to overcome Visual Management implementation barriers in construction: a MEP case study. Construction Management and Economics, 41(03), 232–55.
Fireman, M C T, Saurin, T A, Formoso, C T, Koskela, L and Tommelein, I D (2023) Slack in production planning and control: a study in the construction industry. Construction Management and Economics, 41(03), 256–76.
Goins, J and Moezzi, M (2013) Linking occupant complaints to building performance. Building Research & Information, 41(03), 361-72.
Gupta, R and Gregg, M (2013) Preventing the overheating of English suburban homes in a warming climate. Building Research & Information, 41(03), 281-300.
Lomas, K J and Kane, T (2013) Summertime temperatures and thermal comfort in UK homes. Building Research & Information, 41(03), 259-80.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords:
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2013.757886
- Abstract:
Internal summertime temperatures measured in 268 homes in Leicester, UK, are reported. The hourly data were collected from living rooms and bedrooms during the summer of 2009. Some household interviews were conducted. The sample of homes was statistically representative of the socio-technical characteristics of the city's housing stock. The data provide insight into the influence of house construction, energy system usage, and occupant characteristics on the incidence of elevated temperatures and thermal discomfort. The warmest homes were amongst the 13% that were heated. Significantly more of these had occupants aged over 70 years who are particularly vulnerable to high temperatures. The national heatwave plan might usefully caution against summertime heating. Temperatures in the 230 free-running homes were analysed using both static criteria and criteria associated with the BSEN15251 adaptive thermal comfort model. These indicated that flats tended to be significantly warmer than other house types. Solid wall homes and detached houses tended to be significantly cooler. It is argued that adaptive criteria provide a valuable and credible framework for assessing internal temperatures in free-running UK homes. However, the temperatures in the Leicester homes were much lower than anticipated by the BSEN15251 model. Numerous possible reasons for this discrepancy are discussed.
Montazami, A and Nicol, F (2013) Overheating in schools: comparing existing and new guidelines. Building Research & Information, 41(03), 317-29.
Schellen, L, Loomans, M, de Wit, M and van Marken Lichtenbelt, W (2013) The influence of different cooling techniques and gender on thermal perception. Building Research & Information, 41(03), 330-41.
Teli, D, James, P A B and Jentsch, M F (2013) Thermal comfort in naturally ventilated primary school classrooms. Building Research & Information, 41(03), 301-16.