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Al-Tameemi, K S and Samir, H H (2022) The impact of investment projects on the traditional architectural identity of Basra city. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 40(04), 661-9.
Ali, A S and Au-Yong, C P (2022) Risk factors in the refurbishment design process: the case of Malaysia. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 40(04), 622-35.
Amoah, C and Bikitsha, L (2022) Emerging contractor's management and planning skills to overcome business risk factors. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 40(04), 670-89.
Axon, C J, Bright, S J, Dixon, T J, Janda, K B and Kolokotroni, M (2012) Building communities: reducing energy use in tenanted commercial property. Building Research & Information, 40(04), 461-72.
Bahammou, Y, Kouhila, M, Moussaoui, H, Lamsyehe, H, Tagnamas, Z, Lamharrar, A and Idlimam, A (2022) Evaluation of the influence of ambient air temperature and air velocity on mortar cement durability using a forced convection solar dryer. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 40(04), 462-80.
Berker, T and Bharathi, K (2012) Energy and buildings research: challenges from the new production of knowledge. Building Research & Information, 40(04), 473-80.
Bourdic, L and Salat, S (2012) Building energy models and assessment systems at the district and city scales: a review. Building Research & Information, 40(04), 518-26.
Calderon, C and Keirstead, J (2012) Modelling frameworks for delivering low-carbon cities: advocating a normalized practice. Building Research & Information, 40(04), 504-17.
Ebekozien, A (2022) Construction companies’ compliance to personal protective equipment on junior staff in Nigeria: issues and solutions. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 40(04), 481-98.
Galardo, L and Trottier, M (2022) How supervisor, co-worker, and spousal social support influences the experience of workload and work-family conflict: results from a survey of construction workers in Québec. Construction Management and Economics, 40(04), 331–42.
Gansmo, H J (2012) Municipal planning of a sustainable neighbourhood: action research and stakeholder dialogue. Building Research & Information, 40(04), 493-503.
Grenzfurtner, W, Rudberg, M, Mayrhofer, R, Loike, K and Gronalt, M (2022) Performance measurement and management practices of on-site activities in industrialized housebuilding. Construction Management and Economics, 40(04), 239–53.
Gupta, R and Gregg, M (2012) Appraisal of UK funding frameworks for energy research in housing. Building Research & Information, 40(04), 446-60.
Hamida, M B and Hassanain, M A (2022) Investigation of AEC/FM practices in adaptive reuse projects. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 40(04), 636-60.
Imu, N J, Ezeamama, A and Matemilola, S (2022) Assessment of energy and emissions saving impact of solar PV modules: a case study of Bangladesh. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 40(04), 608-21.
Khalef, R, Ali, G G, El-adaway, I H and Gad, G M (2022) Managing construction projects impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic: a contractual perspective. Construction Management and Economics, 40(04), 313–30.
Koch, A, Girard, S and McKoen, K (2012) Towards a neighbourhood scale for low- or zero-carbon building projects. Building Research & Information, 40(04), 527-37.
Kohler, N and Hassler, U (2012) Alternative scenarios for energy conservation in the building stock. Building Research & Information, 40(04), 401-16.
Lehtovaara, J, Seppänen, O and Peltokorpi, A (2022) Improving construction management with decentralised production planning and control: exploring the production crew and manager perspectives through a multi-method approach. Construction Management and Economics, 40(04), 254–77.
Li, B and Yao, R (2012) Building energy efficiency for sustainable development in China: challenges and opportunities. Building Research & Information, 40(04), 417-31.
Mohamed Safith, A W and De Silva, L (2022) The techniques and challenges of GPS surveying for vertical alignments in high-rise buildings. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 40(04), 587-607.
Mousavi, S Y and Kariminia, S (2022) Analysis of human behavior in case of fire inside a high-rise building: effect of risk perception and Individual's location. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 40(04), 441-61.
Ofori-Boadu, A N, Bryant, D, Bock-Hyeng, C, Assefa, Z, Aryeetey, F, Munkaila, S and Fini, E (2022) Physiochemical characterization of agricultural waste biochars for partial cement replacement. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 40(04), 569-86.
Olanrewaju, A, Tan, Y Y and Soh, S N (2022) Defect characterisations in the Malaysian affordable housing. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 40(04), 539-68.
Royal, S, Lehoux, N and Blanchet, P (2022) New home warranty schemes: developing a theoretical comparative framework using qualitative content analysis. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 40(04), 499-522.
Schweber, L and Leiringer, R (2012) Beyond the technical: a snapshot of energy and buildings research. Building Research & Information, 40(04), 481-92.
Sing, M C P, Fung, I W H, Edwards, D J and Liu, H (2022) Dynamic construction site layout planning: an application of branch and bond algorithm. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 40(04), 523-38.
Skea, J (2012) Research and evidence needs for decarbonisation in the built environment: a UK case study. Building Research & Information, 40(04), 432-45.
Summerfield, A J and Lowe, R (2012) Challenges and future directions for energy and buildings research. Building Research & Information, 40(04), 391-400.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords:
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2012.693839
- Abstract:
Vahabi, A, Nasirzadeh, F and Mills, A (2022) Influence of briefing clarity on construction projects: a fuzzy hybrid simulation approach. Construction Management and Economics, 40(04), 278–95.
van der Meer, J, Hartmann, A, van der Horst, A and Dewulf, G (2022) Raising risk awareness in multi-criteria design decisions for integrated design and construction tenders. Construction Management and Economics, 40(04), 296–312.