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Almeida, N, Sousa, V, Alves Dias, L and Branco, F (2010) A framework for combining risk-management and performance-based building approaches. Building Research & Information, 38(02), 74.

Ascione, F, Bellia, L, Mazzei, P and Minichiello, F (2010) Solar gain and building envelope: the surface factor. Building Research & Information, 38(02), 205.

Carbonara, N and Pellegrino, R (2020) The role of public private partnerships in fostering innovation. Construction Management and Economics, 38(02), 140–56.

Dansoh, A, Frimpong, S and Oppong, G D (2020) Exploring the dimensions of traditional authority influencing stakeholder management at the pre-construction stage of infrastructure projects. Construction Management and Economics, 38(02), 189–206.

Eriksson, P, Milić, V and Brostrom, T (2020) Balancing preservation and energy efficiency in building stocks. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 38(02), 356–73.

Februandari, A (2020) Authenticity in cultural built heritage: learning from Chinese Indonesians’ houses. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 38(02), 262–78.

  • Type: Journal Article
  • Keywords: Authenticity; Cultural built heritage; Ethnography method; Indonesia Chinatown;
  • ISBN/ISSN: 2398-4708
  • URL: https://doi.org/10.1108/IJBPA-02-2019-0017
  • Abstract:

    The purpose of this paper is to explore authenticity conception of cultural built heritage. As a core of heritage management, authenticity is often seen as a validation of certain identity. In the cultural built heritage context, authenticity is vital for the community, particularly the ethnic minority community, because it can be viewed as a tool to tackle discrimination and misrecognition issues. This research was conducted in two Indonesian Chinatowns, namely, Lasem and Semarang Chinatowns. An ethnography method was employed to address the research aim. Four techniques to carry out data collection were used in this research; they were life story interview, participant observation, documentary research and physical observation through house tour. Two theories were used to analyse the data, and they were Technologies of the Self from Foucault and Habitus from Bourdieu. Result shows that authenticity conception in cultural built heritage is not fixed because it lies on the immaterial aspect (the community’s cultural values) that is continuously reinvented. This research also reveals that the immaterial aspect of cultural built heritage, the community’s cultural values, becomes the core of the conception of authenticity. These cultural values become the foundation for the community to create their cultural built environment. This research brings an important perspective on authenticity to be applied in heritage management. Interestingly, by adopting this perspective, heritage management could become a tool to create an inclusive society. This research offers a unique perspective on heritage authenticity, which was constructed through sociological and materiality approach.

Gram-Hanssen, K (2010) Residential heat comfort practices: understanding users. Building Research & Information, 38(02), 86.

Leiringer, R and Schweber, L (2010) Managing multiple markets: big firms and PFI. Building Research & Information, 38(02), 43.

Lucke, T and Beecham, S (2010) Capacity loss in siphonic roof drainage systems due to aeration. Building Research & Information, 38(02), 17.

Narbaev, T, De Marco, A and Orazalin, N (2020) A multi-disciplinary meta-review of the public–private partnerships research. Construction Management and Economics, 38(02), 109–25.

Organ, S (2020) The opportunities and challenges of improving the condition and sustainability of a historic building at an international tourist attraction in the UK. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 38(02), 329–55.

Pu, W, Xu, F, Chen, R and Marques, R C (2020) PPP project procurement model selection in China: does it matter?. Construction Management and Economics, 38(02), 126–39.

Rose, T and Manley, K (2010) Motivational misalignment on an iconic infrastructure project. Building Research & Information, 38(02), 56.

Sharma, M and Lee, A (2020) Dementia-friendly heritage settings: a research review. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 38(02), 279–310.

Tavakoli, N and Hosseini Nourzad, S H (2020) Win-win pricing method for BOT projects using a simulation-based evolutionary optimization. Construction Management and Economics, 38(02), 157–71.

Tunefalk, M, Legner, M and Leijonhufvud, G (2020) Long-term effects of additional insulation of building façades in Sweden. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 38(02), 374–85.

van der Meer, J, Hartmann, A, van der Horst, A and Dewulf, G (2020) Multi-criteria decision analysis and quality of design decisions in infrastructure tenders: a contractor’s perspective. Construction Management and Economics, 38(02), 172–88.

Whitman, C J, Prizeman, O, Walker, P and Gwilliam, J A (2020) Heritage retrofit and cultural empathy; a discussion of challenges regarding the energy performance of historic UK timber-framed dwellings. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 38(02), 386–404.

Zahari, N F, Che-Ani, A I, Abdul Rashid, R B, Mohd Tahir, M A and Amat, S (2020) Factors contribute in development of the assessment framework for wheelchair accessibility in National Heritage Buildings in Malaysia. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 38(02), 311–28.